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      After that relaxing shower my starry eyed vision seemed to calm down for the most part. Cleaning up the house slightly from the past few busy months. Then for the rest of this weekend I finally had off, catching up on missed episodes of K dramas. Until it was back to the awkward situation at work with Jimin. Praying I wasn't missing something more important.

With that came the return of Jimin's expensive clothes he had lent me. Seriously, who just throws around price tags like that?! Nonetheless after storming out of his house with HIS clothes I'd have to face him to return those fancy loungewear. Walking into work with the borrowed clothes in an old shopping bag. I waited for him to show up. Starting to get into my work for the day the guys showed up one after the other. Then finally Jimin. He seemed exhausted, his hair wasn't done up like he usually had it in the office. Sitting down with a sigh and not a word to anyone. As his scuffed hands, silverless, Typed across the noisy keyboard. Looking up he had a bruise on his face close to his eye. After scanning him I walked around to his table, bag in hand. The silence ever so loud.

"H-hey Jimin." Tapping his shoulder, as he jumped and turned toward me. His eyes were full of a keen look I couldn't place. He seemed so odd today.

"F-F/N. What do you need?" Jimin's emotions changed after that odd reaction. A warm smile came across his face like the company dinner. Elbows resting on his knees, stacked by his hands intertwined. Leaning toward me as I spoke. Feeling the need to ask about the marks on his face and hands, but stayed quiet.

"Here. Your clothes. Thank you for lending them.. to me." Managing to finally say to him. My face drowned in pink though I tried so hard to hide it. It felt like all eyes around the table were on us. Everyone was quiet and focused other than Ari. I have questions I want to ask him! But everyone staring us down made me forget the idea. Jimins cold hands carefully took the bag from mine as he smiled up toward me slightly from his desk. Jimin chuckled slightly and bowed before his voice boomed across the office for only a moment.

"NOW then, let's get to work."

Everyone's heads went back down to their screens as I wandered back to my desk to continue the day's work. Though all the while there were questions of Jimin floating in my mind. How did he get injured? Why WAS he injured? Did someone attack him? Or maybe protected me that night we went to his place? I can't remember everything! Oh! Wait. Who was that guy at the bar? Jimin seemed to know him.

"F/N!" Ari shouted at me. My head shot back to face her. She seemed concerned but slightly goofy. "Do you wanna have homework?"

"No I-! Was uhm.. thinking." Clearing my throat before getting back to work, to avoid Ari.

"Well I hope your thinking is over, you've got a board meeting in five." Ari stated before getting up and making her way down to the board room. Shit! I totally forgot it was today. Looking around, all the other guys got up and made their way down as well. Scrambling, I frantically gathered the last few materials for the meeting. Showing up late as usual. On the higher department floors. It felt so odd. Even so the boss had ordered me to do this. The group watched me through the glass door as a sigh left my lips. Looking up to see my meeting had been taken over by this tall lady with dark slightly pink hair tied up in a high pony. Black heels, tight black pencil skirt, topped with a white dress shirt and glasses. I had been trying so hard for this dumb company. The meeting haulted once Namjoon noticed me and all eyes shifted to me standing there awkwardly in the glass door frame. The lady continued on and I dashed away to avoid awkward confrontation.

Jimin POV

Noticing Namjoon beside me turned to face the door as everyone else had. I turned to see a star struck F/N. Not knowing why until I recalled it was her meeting for today, Not this lady who was in front of us now. F/N had told me about it the day before the company dinner. Moments later Ari shot up from her seat, her auburn hair, out the door after her. Jumping up I ran after both of them. Not knowing what I'd even say or do in this situation. Missing some meeting wasn't of any importance to me. Eventually Ari stopped at a room and entered. Contemplating whether I should go in or not, I stood by the door as my legs ached.

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