Pink Haze

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"Did I miss something?" Namjoon asked from the walkway by the door. Slowly making his way over to us. I shook my head at the conclusion.

"Not at all! Ari was just telling me about a new BPS album." I fumbled out a decently realistic lie. After speaking sweetly to Namjoon I glared at Ari into silence about the matter. He shrugged it off and took his seat next to Jimin's desk. Those of us who are here, dove into our stacks work. Everyone invested while I kept checking the office doors. Whether I was excited or nervous would depend on when I actually saw Jimin. Though if this distraction keeps persisting I may be stuck here all night! Hoseok quietly joined our work session. Calling me out on my unintentional habit.

"Are youuu looking for something?" Hoseok questioned, head tilted.

"No no! I'm just anxious to get out of here." I fluttered out, fixing my gaze to the clock that hung uselessly above the door. Hoseok hummed questionably, but satisfied. Suspiciously turning back to his slowly loading computer. Jimin sauntered out of one of the doors connected to our office. God knows where it leads too. Jimin was dressed in something rather familiar. A tight black turtleneck hugging his surprisingly built form. Along with similarly snug black jeans. Midnight blue hair mostly pushed back, his bangs rested next to his brows. As per usual he was laced with silver accessories, earrings, Rings, and necklaces.

"Morning." Jimin chimed in as he took his seat. Not a word as to what he was up to. But my mind was quickly pulled elsewhere now that I had seen Jimin. My nerves were definitely taking over. Maybe Ari was right. He was just a little attractive.. That dark hair and those eyes. Attempting to distract myself I finally started getting into work. It had been roughly ten when Jimin had arrived. Lunch already nearing. That's when I figured I'd ask about Jimin to the other guys. Typing away to the fastest of my ability, lunch finally arrived.

"Namjoon you wanna grab Lunch?" My voice boomed in the previous silence. I stood in front of my desk stretching. He was my target. His eyes blinking in thought.

"Oh, yeah sure." Namjoon smiled over to me, leaving his daze. A few more keys pressed and lifted himself up from his desk. Meeting me at the end of our row. Making our way to the office lounge. Not needing to go far to get away from Jimin's earshot. I pulled on his arm signaling I wanted to tell him something as we stood by the vending machines.

"Did you know Jimin? Hoseok said he had met you prior to this job." I began my interrogation. Namjoon seemed a little unsure by my sudden question. "So.. I was curious if you knew Jimin too. Since you joined at the same time and such."

"Well. yes. I met Hoseok a few years back. He and I were in a rough place at the right time. To say the least." He chuckled, fumbling with the vending machine. Playing with his blonde undercut. He held two drinks passing one to me with a sigh. I clung onto the cold drink. "As for Jimin. Let's just say I encountered him previously."

"Right.." I replied as my head began to swirl up assumed scenarios between them. But so far Namjoon has been the most straightforward with me. He stood awkwardly nudging us off next to the vending machines. Slowly sipping on the can.

"So you asked me down here to interrogate me hm?"

"OH WHAT NO UHmm!" I shouted shamelessly. He chuckled a little, patting my shoulder. Reassuring me. "I wanted to ask for your opinion on something.."

"Alright... Is something wrong?" He questioned, leaning toward me. As much as he usually did not express his emotions by words, his facial expressions did. He was almost always carrying a smile, thinking of others is how I'd describe it. Making sure they dont worry about him. Getting lost in thought I forgot to answer him again fumbling upon my words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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