Hide and Seek [Jennie]

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It's dark. Everything is icy cold. My heart thumps painfully against my chest. What's important now's that I'm alone, but not for long.

The creak of the rotten wooden door sounded throughout the house." readu or not here I come" his hoarse voice croaked as his metal heels clanked against the hardwood floor.

Let the games begin..

To say this was nerve wrecking was an illegal understatement. I ALWAYS win in hide and seek and I'm so not planning to loose this one. I just can't!

The heart wrenching clanking of his boots drew closer and closer every passing second and was starting to get uncomfortably close.

I took off towards the courtyard runny like  never before.

My chances of winning are getting slimmer with each passing second I'm not hidden or running.

Despite my best efforts, the clank of his boots drew closer.

And so I ran... and ran... and ran....

The cold win sliced my face like a thousand blades as I ran across the courtyard until I spotted a shed with a large crate.

At this point he is definitely no less than 10 feet away.

In the heat of the moment, I dived right into what seems to be animal feces judging from the putrid smell coming from the crate.

Believe me when I say that it was beyond torturous in there,there were no less than 10 specie of worms and bugs in that crate.

As if a scaredy cat stuck in a crate full of bugs isn't bad enough, my body feels like it's being pierced with needles everywhere all at once over and over again for god knows how long

Centuries after,  when he seemed to have left the shed and after alot of struggle with climbing out the crate that was when I saw it.

Nailed to the wooden crate on a metal plate written in big bold letters read " CAUTION FLESH EATING WORMS".

I could my vomit inching towards my throat with every letter I read.  With a game to win, this was no ideal time for puking.

When it seems that my condition couldn't gets and couldn't be anymore severe, a concerning  tingling started up in my forearms and tighs.

Ignoring all my "battle injuries" and the fiery burn searing my lungs.

Even when the temptation to cave in from the unimaginable pain appears, even when my body is begging for a deep slice in my throat to end it all, as if not belonging to the same body, my legs just keep going.

Running through all the pain, enduring inhumanely high intensity of pain.

And so I kept going and going until I don't. My legs could support me no more, finally caving in, my body collapsed on to the muddy ground below.

Mere seconds later, wriggling white wroms tore through my skin from underneath. Then another....and another...then some more until they engulf my entire body.

My eyes are the next to go as my vision got blurrier accompanied by a skull splitting headache.

The last thing I saw was a black figure towering above me with a ginormous axe in hand giving me one last mocking grin before everything faded to balck and I fell..deeper .... and deeper into the bottomless black void below

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