Red room [Jenlisa]

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" Come on you boneheaded arse!!" the enemy is right in front of you!"Jennie barked into her mic in a croaky voice, her throat sore from the intense gaming session at hand.

She slammed her fist at the rectangular screen up front in frustration.

" If your stalker is filming this shr would earn so much from the ad she could retire from her stalking career" Rosé sassed back, flicking a strand of blonde behind her shoulder.

" For the last time I don't have a stalker so shut your damn buttehole for a mouth of yours" The temperature on the brunette's head is pretty much enough to cook a farm's worth of eggs.

" She can't close it Ninibear, you're putting too much bullshit into it" Jisoo's husky voice blared through the speakers.

As much as a fight this seems to be it couldn't be further away from the truth, this is just another casual chat for the girls.

Channeling a day's worth of pent up stress into these 'fights' is pretty therapeutic, at least it is to the gamers.

" Pshh stop being such cowards she's probably just some new kid that moved in " She said in a matter of factly tone.

" bruhh that dang camera is always with her whenever she's around your house" The playfulness in the latter's tone is long gone.

" I would rather you ne a coward than an idiot who'll get killed" Jisoo added.

Her friend's advice seemed to had gone down the gutter as no signs of worry seemed to have clouded the girl's face.

"whatevs, I could prove you guys wrong! I'll play that dumb internet game you guys were yapping about " all colour drained from the duo's face at the mention of the horror game.

"n-no you're not serious.." wide eyed Rosé said, head buried deep in denial of the authenticity of her friend's bold suggestion.

" Yea?! well watch me" she clicked the red button, muting the two annoying 'pest's' objections, already proceeding to click the newly popped up link on her screen.

Almost instantly an image of a strikingly familiar room with fresh red paint splashed on the walls filled her desktop.

" Do you like the red room" A distorted female voice sounded through the speakers, it's cold edge raising the blonde's hair.

"y-yes?!" her voice quivered with hesitation.

The other end of the line seemed to have gobe dead, the crimson image still showing no signs of disappearing even after shutting down the device.

An unexplainable feeling of a pair of eyes on her accompanied her to the bed.

A hurricane of emotions brewed in her head alonh with a a feeling of ice cold dread which shocked her.

She shooked her head in disbelief, refusing to believe that the a measly image can cause such dread to the oh-so brave Jennie.

A few cartoons later courage to leave the safety of the comforters finally wrapped around her.

Just as she turned around a pair of crazed doe eyes stared back at her amongst the sea of blackness outside, sending her tumbling backwards onto an upward knife.

Painting her room a deep shade of crimson

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