Paintings (Jisoo)

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Kim Jisoo worked long hours, the office being her 2nd home.

She worked for a struggling small business, explaining the inhumane hours that was forced onto her.

She would often times wake up with her head lying on the keyboard.

Office gossip along with the sickeningly strong smell of caffeine drifting in the air.

And so that was her ritual for basically everyday, work. exist.sleep.

It was one of the few lucky nights when Jisoo somehow plowed through the sea of paperwork on her desk.

Breathing a sigh of relief she began to gather her things and headed down the lobby towards the elevator, eery silence following her from behind.

Through the darkness she could just make out a thin piece of metal framing what seems to be a vibrant piece of artwork.

It was peculiar to say the least. At a glance it looked like your typical abstract artwork with random streaks of colour splattered across the canvas.

But with closer inspection the randomness is not what it seems.

Intrigued, Jisoo traced a slender across the colourful canvas, completely entranced by the mystery.

Her finger making a sudden stop at a particular splatter of paint which bore an uncanny resemblance to a human face.

A human face screaming and writhing in agony. And then there was another one just at the corner of her vision and another...

Just then an unnaturally cold breeze brushed her shoulder.

Brushing the faces off as a fatigue induced hallucination she turned towards the open doors of the elevator, the unsettling image of those faces engraved deep in her.

Exhausted as always she stiffled a yawn as her conciousness drifted in and out of sleep on the drive home.

Having decided that she could go no further she parked at a nearby parking lot and was out like a light.

How long had Jisoo been was unbeknownst to her but when she cracked her heavy lids open she immediately know something was seriously wrong.

As her vision slowly came into focus an unfamiliar vibrantly painted room came into view.

Her confusion was soon replaced by icy dread as the only thing that cane into mind was the painting in the hallway.

Not believing it she swiped at the sticky fresh paint but sure enough the familiar patterns only further confirmed her suspicions.

"I'm dreaming" she muttered. Her eyes darted from side to side in search of any hint of an exit but to no avail.

No matter where she ran the vibrantly painted walls streched endlessly.

Panic building Jisoo laid flat against the wall hoping to find the slightest protrusion or any sign of a knob but was once again met with disappointment.

" Wake up Jisoo!" she said to herself in a shaky voice.

"WAKE UP!!" she slammed herself against the sticky canvas like a maniac whom she was starting to become, the bright colours are slowly driving her nuts.

It was already late in the evening and Jisoo's empty car remained as such, her office desk vacant.

Her absence was then brushed off by her boss as a once in a blue moon sick day.

Afterall it was unlike his most hardworking employee to skip work without reason.

Jisoo was never seen again. The police connected her disappearance as a suicide from the pressure of her work.

Her body was never found.

The painting still hung on the dull walls of the office till this day with a new face on its surface, patiently waiting for it's next victim.

We're so damn close to 400 reads! I know this isn't alot to most but as a rookie I'm freaking out rn so thank you so so much for choosing to read this book.


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