A long day [ Chaelisa]

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The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 3:33 before he pushed his long rotting nails into my chest, his other hand muffling my screams.

I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream.

I strained my tired eyes in a struggle to read the blurry numbers on my alarm clock.

In the midst of the blurry world around me, I could just make out the figures flashing on the clock.

7..or is it 6? nah.. it's 9.

My eyes widen in terror as the realization dawned on me.

I'm so fucking late!!

That amount I ran this day is and probably my workout for my entire lifetime.

My legs underwent a torture that made hell feel like heaven that day.

I fled down the street desperately looking for any sign of the yellow vehicle. He sped around a corner, causing him to be inches away from a motorcycle accident, my arms flailing to keep my balance.

My chest heaved as I drew in huge gasps of air while forcing myself to ignore the agony in my legs.

I can't stop, can't look behind I just had to run!

Ms Kim will crush me to dust if I dare show up a second late.

Uggh speaking of the devil...

" you're late...again" Ms Kim said in a mocking tone, tapping her pen on his notepad.

Is he for real??!

"and I wonder what you said will happen to you now according to our "contract " last week"

She is for real.

" *sigh* yes... yes I know.." I nod my head in grim understanding of the horrendous fate that awaits me.

" Yep kiddo, so 50 hand written 2000 word essays best be on my table by tomorrow, now get to class! "
She gave my already messy bed hair one last ruffle before sashaying sway.

I hate it when she sashays and he knows it.

50 essays can't be that hard right? right?!

well wrong!

The future me who is now begging Lisa for help can truthfully answer that.

" pls..."

"nope" she declined for the upteenth time.

" k fine, I'll owe you one wish"

Unexpectedly, Lisa perked her head in interest.

" Only if you'll walk the talk. see you at 12" she  finally said, shaking my hand to accept the offer.

I was so overwhelmed by the wave of relief that instantly washed over me that I didn't questioned the odd timing.

I mean, 6 no 9  hours of writing can't be all that bad.. right?

Wrong, once again TT

The universe really just loves to kick me in the butt doesn't it?

I threw the stack of freshly written essays in the bin, giving up hope in completing this impossible task.

" why! why Chaeyoung!!! why did I do this to me" I cried like a maniac as I slumped to the flood in defeat.

Even the heavy rain pouring couldn't cover the sound of my ear piercing cries .

A loud ring interrupted me, who could -

And that idiot did not bring an umbrella!

Splendid, now I have a hospital bill to pay.


" If you think I'm dirty there's no need to make me bathe in the rain to send the message" Lisa sassed as he wringed soaked jacket.

You could probably have a gun at his head and he'll still dare to sass you back, that's basically Lisa in a nutshell.

innocent child they said he was.

" More writing less talking" I said, dropping what seemed to be ten pounds worth of A4 paper onto the coffee table.

Strange enough, me and Lisa actual managed to stay quiet and work for a good amount of time.

We were like and might as well be typing machines efficiently typing essay after essay.

But then came the tiredness so of course as punishment for making poor Lili stand in the rain I'm tasked with this noble line of work.

I glanced at the clock, the numbers 3:30 flashed brightly on its face.

Ok.. ok no need to get paranoid, it's just a dream... it's just a dream. I said to myself as I attempted to balance 2 steaming mugs of fresh americano.

Suddenly, the sound of claws scratching a solid surface sounded throughout the empty house.

Meh probably the neighbors dog...

Lisa's voice was the first to break the silence.

" Oh and about the wish, I only have one actually... and that is for you to suffer for eternity "

Just as she completed his sentence familiar long, rotting fingernails came into view.

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