Ghost in the sky ( Chaesoo)

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25 and beautiful Roseanne sashayed along the aisles like a runway model, her head poised high in confidence.

Who wouldn't be with a glamorous job as a flight attendant or at least that's what she likes to think.

But good at her job she is, she's seen and done it all. From petty passengers to child labour throw it at her and she'll handle it with grace.

But there is one incident that will accompany her to her grave....

It was a fairly normal day at work. Gossiping about hot passengers, offering stale packets of peanuts the usual routine.

But then  a cute girl in pigtails ran around the plane like it's a flying playground, disrupting the peace along the way.

Having had enough of her shenanigans she walked up to her, wanting to put an end to this headache.

" Hey sweetheart what's your name?" Rosé asked in the sweetest tone she could muster.

"Jisoo but I prefer Jiji" She flashed her an innocent smile and wrapped her arms around Rosé.

" Cute name Jiji, I'm Rosé"She returned the hug. " I understand that long flights can be annoying and that you want to play but you are required to be seated at all times"

" But it's stuffy and tight and uncomfy in there.." her bright smile dimmed but then quickly made an appearance.

" Then can I at least spend the flight with you Misses flight attendant?" she begged putting on the world's most irresistible puppy eyes.

Not being able to resist her charm she led her to the crew rest apartment, chatting animatedly along the way.

" you're..Roro (肉肉)!" jisoo teasingly poked the blonde's puffed out cheeks as the latter sulked.

"no.. I'm Ro- sé, why are you insisting me on calling me that?"

" Because of this" Jisoo softly pinched her cheeks "你有好多肉!"( you're meaty)

Rosé pressed her lips together in a thin line, still not believing the result of years of training is being flushed down the drain by some kid's stupid commentary.

" Just kidding! but do you know what else is meaty?" she then pulled out a soft pig plushy from behind her back.

" It's my favourite so take good care of it!" Jisoo grinned broadly to which Rosé could only stare at the toy at hand in disbelief.

Throughout her career she would always be outcasted as she possessed a stone cold visual.

But this kid whom she has never met ran to her with open arms, even willing to give her her prized possession.

" I-i can't accept this! how am I going to thank you?" Rosé stuttered barely recovering from the shock.

" you could thank my mommy.. after all she did buy it, her seat is at 6C" Jisoo suggested, gesturing towards a sullen looking middle aged woman staring blankly out the window..

With a final word of gratitude she headed towards the said seat.

" Um excuse mam, sorry for disturbing you but I just wanted to thank you for the plushy" she buried the plushy deeper into her chest."she really is sugar through and through"

Unexpectedly her expressionless mask slipped off at the mention of her daughter's name. Her face a mask of pure confusion.

" T-that can't be! That plushy is in the coffin with my daughter!!"

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