Friend in me [Jensoo]

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That's what she said" Jennie who was already a laughing messe could only reply with a louder laugh.

"Jeez, calm down miss gurl ever heard of dying of laughter?" Jisoo stroked her darl silk mane taking out the occasional ball of dust.

Silence seeped into the room when as laughter died down minutes after.

The silence was comfortable peaceful even.
Wether they were sharing a good laugh or sitting in silence their time together will never be dull.

" Dinner's ready!" Mrs Kim's voice cut through the silence like a pair of shears.

Just as Jennie was about to protest the rumble  within has long made that decision for her.

"See you soon I guess" to which Jisoo replied with a sad smile.

"What's for dinner?" She asked, her eyes glittering with hope which didn't last long as a pungent metallic aroma filled the air the second the oven door opened.

" Eugh.. beef again? This has been the fifth time this week" she scrunched up her nose in disgust.

She hasn't hated beef to this extent. well.. until Mrs. Kim has made it a staple in the Kim dinner table that is.

Mrs.Kim dropped a huge mound of glossy sticky substance onto a porcelain dish.

" Stop being such an ungrateful brat!" She said with a raised voice while slamming the plate on the wooden surface below.

Knowing she's fighting a loosing battle she resorted to chasing each bite with an oceans worth of water.

Her face scrunching further in disgust as the bloody taste hit her tounge.

Her beef has always been on the stronger end of the spectrum, not a good thing when it comes to Jennie's taste in food.

"I don't know Jen you may be overthinking it" She plopped down on her fluffy blanket in defeat.

"I thin- 
no. I know that they're up to something, they must be doing something bad to my friends, why else do you think they never show up to school shortly after a visit from my parents?" she fidgeted with the soft fur, deep in thought.

"How about we talk about this tomorrow?"
Jisoo suggested already snuggling into the fluffy fabric.

" C'mere little kitten..mommy won't bite" a shrill voice said somewhere in the darkness
around me.

a black scaly appendage reached over for Jennie's ankle, attempting to drag her into the dark depths.

"Nonono!!" Jennie clawed at the concrete floor, flailed her arms but her feeble attemps bore no fruit.

She bolted upright from her bed, her dark locks matted to her scalp with sweat.

A fuzz of black blocked her vision as she felt a pair of slender arms wrapping around her.

"Omg Jennie you ok?" Jisoo's chocolate orbs widened with concerned.

Her arms tightened around Jennie's waist as if afraid she would disappear any moment, her hands petting the crying figure's back.

"W-who was h-he-"

"sshhh.. calm down then talk about it" She pressed a finger to her soft lips

"Lemme grab you a glass of warm milk" with that she hopped off the bed carrying Jennie bridal style, silent sobs still coming out of her.

Just when her hands was about to make contact with the cardboard carton a blood curdling ghostly shriek echoed off the walls of the deserted house.

"Stay put Jen and don't even think of setting foot out of here" Jisoo warned, trying to put up a brave front.

Jennie who was scared and alone cowered into a dark corner in the room as a slurry of thoughts, scenarios and worries swirled in her head.

But all it took was a loud shriek from the darkness from the depths of the basement to push all her fear and doubts to the back of her head.

As determined as she is a large amount of hesitation was retained.

Ever since she stepped foot into this house her mom had always forbid her from entering it, saying that it was cursed along with many other cock and bull story.

She never once dared to question it but today's the day an answer will satisfy years worth of curiosity.

It was much much worse than expected per say.

The rotting floorboards creaked with her every step, inducing fear in the already very anxious Jennie.

A sickening feeling brewed in the pit of her stomach as a sour rotting stench hovered the humid air.

She swiped at the white cloudy wall of spider web to take in every visibility detail of the room.

Suddenly a sticky dark substances caused her to tumble further into the dark depths of the basement not so silently, alerting Jisoo.

Contrary to her expectations no shouts nor any sign of Jisoo could be heard.

Her gaze met Jisoo's standing silhouette at the far corner of the room, cornering a slumped figure.

The corpse couldn't be identifiable as human as huge chunks of flesh was tore apart from her body, exposing her bloody entrails, her head meters away.

A chilling sense of realization hit her, sending a wave of shock down her spine
at recognition of the lifeless body.

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