1: My "Hero"

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Song rec: after school by weekly 🌚
Y/n POV:

"Remember to study for the test on Monday. Have a great weekend!" My favorite teacher,  Mr. Richard excuses us from class just as the bell rings. I pack up my stuff and wish Mr. Richard a good weekend. I go to the bike racks to get my bike.

On Fridays after school I meet my best friend, Chan, by the rail road tracks. Today's the day. I'm finally going to tell him how I feel.

I get on my bike and ride past the school, the old church that's still standing and the Opera House. I get to the rail road track and get off my bike, laying it down on the pebbles. I sit down beside it.

It's a rather beautiful day. No clouds in the sky, sun shining, birds singing. It couldn't be any better. Well actually it could, if Chan says he likes me back. Which I truly doubt but you never know. I get my phone out to text him I'm here.

Hey Channieeee
I'm here :D

I hear footsteps on the pebbles but Chan normally rides his skateboard. I stuff my phone in my jacket pocket and look behind me. Ew it's Lia and her friends. The popular girls, but what are they doing here? It's such a random place and somewhat far from our school.

"Seems your life is boringer than we thought." Lia says. Chaeyoung whispers someone in her ear. "Whatever grammar doesn't matter!" She whisper-yells back.

"Uh okay. I'm flattered you think about me." I give her a fake smile and stand up. Lia gives one back.

"What are you doing here all alone, hmm?" She asks. "Waiting for your boyfriend?" She laughs and the rest of the girls laugh with her. This feels like something out of movie..?

"Are you jealous?" I chuckle. Lia crosses her arms and leans forward.

"Never." She smirks. I lightly push her back by her shoulder. She doesn't do anything about it, which is good. I don't want to fight.

"Are you supposed to be intimidating? Cause you look more like a homeless rat." I insult her. Okay maybe it slipped. The other girls with her gasp.

"If you want to fight, you could just ask for it. But be aware there are five of us and one of you." She tells me, leaning back. I took Taekwondo with my brother, Felix. But they don't know that. Like I said, I don't want to fight. Well at least start a fight.

"I'm good." I simply respond and sit back down on the gravel.

"Well we're not-" She starts but I burst out laughing. She leans down. "What's so funny?" She asks.

"You." I stop laughing and hold back a smile at this hysterical scene. She kicks my knee in retort. Damn. I take her leg and pull her to the ground. She falls and gives me a nasty look, I just give her another fake smile. Ryujin kicks me and I slap her. Jeez, okay. I stand up and Yuna kicks me behind my leg.

"You fight like girls." I tell them and roll my eyes. Yuna pulls my hair and I crouch down, pulling her over my back and onto my bike. Oh shoot. That part was an accident, but that's got to hurt.

Chan POV:

I turn the around the abandoned building on my skateboard and see N/n and some other girls at the tracks. Oh god, they're fighting. They always had some sort of beef, but I didn't think they'd actually hurt each other. I get off my skateboard and flip it so I can catch it and run over.

"Stop you- ! Uhm.." I run in the middle of them. I have so many ways to end that sentence, but not one that would be rational.!They stop and Y/n lets go of Yeji, pushing her off. I take N/n's hand and hold her behind my back. "What's the problem?" I ask them and they straighten their clothes.

"Oppa! She was attacking us!" Lia says over-dramatically. I sigh.

"I already told you not to call me oppa. And that sounds hard to believe. You better be on your way." I give them a sweet smile, even though I don't mean it. Be the bigger person, Chan..

"Okay! See you around!" Lia waves and walks away, her friends following her. She acts like it isn't a big deal and nothing transpired. I turn to look at N/n and realize I'm still holding her hand, I quickly let go, feeling my face heat up.

"Thanks Channie for saving me back there. But I'm a grown up, I can fight for myself." She gives me a little smile and pretends to flex her nonexistent muscles. I chuckle and sit on my skateboard.

"Of course you can, but I couldn't just watch you get hurt." I say. She sits across from me on the gravel. "You wanna sit on the skateboard-"

"I'm good, you should start thinking about yourself too, you know." She giggles.

"Well you're my number one priority." I let the words flow out. Shoot. She doesn't answer but her face turns red. That's so cute, like what-


This is harder than I imagined. He's my best friend. What if he doesn't like me back? What if I ruin our friendship? It's a risk I'm willing to take.

But for another day!

"So how'd the audition go?" I ask, breaking the silence. I draw some shapes in the pebbles of gravel, he sighs.

"I think it went okay. I sent it in yesterday, it'll be a while before I get the results." He explains. I nod. I don't want him to leave, but I want him to pursue his dreams of being an idol.

"I wish you the best of luck, then!" I say and he chuckles.

"Thanks. Somehow that reminds me that there's a fair in town tomorrow. You wanna go with me?" He asks. It's like an unofficial date! We've gone a ton before, though. I'm pretty sure I have nothing planned tomorrow. Mom, Rosé and Felix can take care of cleaning the house. Sunday is Felix's birthday and we're having a party for him at our house.

"Yeah! Sound's like fun." I smile. I draw a hashtag on the pebbles. "Wanna play tic-tac-toe?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Sure!" He says and I start in the middle with an x.

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