5: Scavenger Hunt

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I take a pen and meet Chan in the front yard.

❑ Green Mailbox
❑ Side Walk Autographs
❑ Red Front Door
❑ Triple Garage Door
❑ Black Front Door
❑ A parked car
❑ A moving car
❑ Neighbor with dog
❑ Garden
❑ Mailman
❑ ~~~~
❑ ~~~~
❑ ~~~~

"Okay so first is green mailbox. Trick question, it's your mailbox." Chan chuckles. I applaud for him.

"Smart, you remember." I pat his head and he gives me a cute smile. I boop his nose in return and smile, too. He tries to bite my finger but I take it back before he can. "Sheesh bro." Could have lost a finger..

"Okay we got that. Now side walk writing." I say and look over at Hyunjin's house. When Felix went over there the other day they drew in his driveway. I check the first two off. The street is pretty far down, but I remember where everything is. If something is different I'll definitely notice it. After all I've lived here most of my life.

"Seems you got that one. What's next?" Chan peers over my shoulder to look at what's on the list. A red front door. It's across the street at Mrs. Reed's house. I start to walk to the other side of the street and hear a car honk at me and get pulled back. Chan helps me get steady as a car passes by.

"Oh. Well, we can check moving car off our list now." I laugh awkwardly and Chan shakes his head, pretending to not find the situation amusing. I mean it kind of is amusing, but I could have died. Glad he finds it funny I guess?

This time, I look both ways and cross the street, catching up to some of Felix's friends.

"By any chance, you old people know where a triple garage door is?" A red haired short kid asks and Chan laughs at being called old. I scoff, playfully, not wanting to offend the kid.

"Yes, but old people? Seriously? We're fifteen." I cross my arms and the two kids in front of me laughs. "Alright fine, it's five houses to the left on this side of the street." I give in, since they're cute. It may be because they're short.. Because if they're the same age as Felix, but the same height as me, I could never.

"Thanks not old people!" They thank us then sprint down the street. I turn to Chan and let out a laugh I've been holding in.

"They're cute."

"Is this the Y/n I know? Who hates kids?" Chan makes a horrified face, taking a step back.

"Uh yeah. That's me." I point to myself, then remember about the scavenger hunt and check off the red front door.

"That's crazy." Chan says sarcastically.

"Right? But okay, lets run if we want to win over those twelve year olds." I start walking, leaving Chan behind. Soon enough, he catches up and matches my pace.

"Thought we were doing this just for fun?" He teases and I weigh my arms out.

"Yeah but everything's a competition." My mind wanders to Lia at my words. The prize is Chan, are we're competing over him. Thats so stupid! Wait, how didn't I recognize that before? I'm stupid. Oh damn.

"And that's why I love you." He giggles, embracing me in a back hug, almost toppling me over. I laugh and hug his arms, kissing the back of his hand. Either he didn't notice or mind it, because he didn't say anything about it.

Once he lets go, I have another idea. "If everything is a competition.. Race you to Jacob's house!" I smile, sprinting off to my neighbor's house, who lives on the other end of the street.

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