4: Lixie's Birthday

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I brush my hair and look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a peach knee length off the shoulder dress. Rosé is wearing a dress too. Today's Felix's birthday! Mom wanted us to look good in photos, but I hate being in photos. I don't know why, I just do. I'd rather like to stay behind the camera.

All Lix's classmates are coming over and it's going to be crazy. So many children, ew. I don't like kids if you couldn't figure it out. The only exception besides Lix is Hyunjin, Lucas, Lily and Hannah. They can be annoying but I've gotten used to it.

I hear the doorbell ring and I go to the stairs to see who it is. It's Aunt Jina and Lily. Oh yeah, did I mention Lily is my cousin? That's why I'm friends with her. And the only reason.

I go back into my room and close my door just as Lily pushes my door right open. I groan in annoyance as she plops on my bed.

"Heyyy unnie." She gets up and starts jumping on my bed. I sit on the chair by my vanity and put my makeup on.

"You know, you could anger the monsters under my bed." I warn her with a slight smirk on my face. She stops.

"Monsters..?" She sits in between the pillows.

"Yeah, but they are my friends. They aren't nice to others though. Not sure why." I scare her more. She gets off my bed and slowly walks to the door.

"I'm going to go on the trampoline.. Yeah, bye unnie!" She waves and runs out of my room. I start laughing at my success of scaring her away.

"Good job, Scruffles." I look at my bed. Scruffles, is what I named the "monster" under my bed. My mom used the same trick on me when I was younger, so I pretended there actually was one when I knew there wasn't.

A pillow falls off my bed and I see my ukulele case under my bed shift.

Uhm.. I nervously laugh and turn back to the vanity mirror.

Time skip because "iTs aBouT.. eAtiNg..?"

"I bet you twenty dollars that Chan and his family will come through the door next." I tell Rosé. We've been making bets on who'll arrive to the party next. We've been betting only five dollars so far. I've lost $20 already so now I'm going to get it back. Why am I so confident? Because I texted Chan and he said he's a few minutes away. Though, someone else could be entering before him..

"Okay. Get ready to lose another twenty dollars." My older sister chuckles and leans against the kitchen fridge, eyeing the door.

A few minutes pass and the door opens to reveal Channie, Hannah, Lucas and their parents, with presents for Lix. I starts laughing and hold my hand out for Rosé to give me back my money.

"Pay up." I smirk. She rolls her eyes and hands my money back.

"Alright, go have fun." She opens the fridge and gives me two sodas, taking another one for herself.

"Thanks." I take it and she gives me a little smile. I go over to Chan who's talking to my mom, trying my best to avoid the children running around my family's house.

"Thanks for having us Mrs. Lee. Where should I put the presents?" He asks my mom.

"Please, call me Jennifer. And you can put the presents over there on the table." She gives Chan a sweet smile and he returns it. I cringe at mom telling my best friend to call her by her first name, but whatever. When my mom walks away I bump my hip to Chan's and he does it back.

"Wanna listen to music or something upstairs?" I ask him and he walks over to the table with presents. The moms are gossiping on the couch around the table but I ignore them.

"Yeah, sure." He says as he puts the presents down.

"Last one there is a rotten egg." I say and speed walk up the stairs. We're not allowed to run around in the house because of something I did when I was three. I forgot what it was but mom made it a rule to not run inside.

Chan speed walks behind me and I get into my room and plop on my bean bag chair. He plops on the other side.

"You always win. That's not fair." He fake pouts and crosses his arms. I ruffle his hair and get my phone out. I take a quick photo of him then get my earbuds from my drawer. "Hey! It took me a whole minute to do my hair!" He fixes it and I laugh, messing it up more. He tries to mess up my hair but I do a fighting stance.

"I know tae kwon do." I say, raising my eyebrow. "Think again before you even try." I say and he puts his hands up defensively. We start laughing.

"Okay, what song?"

Time skip "feliz navidad, I can feel the evil coming but felix never bad:"

"Y/n! Can you come down for a bit please?" I hear even though music is blasting through my earbuds. I lower the volume and Chan takes his earbud out. I do the same and unplug the earbuds, putting it back in my drawer. I put my phone in my bra and Chan sees. I cackle and he gives me a weird look.

"What do you expect? That's the best I got as a pocket." I shrug and turn to the door, walking out.

"Do I even want to know?" He asks. Oh he's gonna regret that.

"Sure. The phone fits only because my b-"

"GIRL SHUSH. I actually don't want to know." He puts a hand on my mouth and I lick it. "Oh my god." He says taking his hand back. I chuckle and walk down the stairs, Chan behind me. I walk to the backyard where I know my mom is.

"Oh good! You're here. Mind explaining the game to the kids?" Mom asks me. I sigh and nod. I switch places with her and all the 6-12 year olds are looking and me. Chan stands behind all of them and does random poses for me. I smile a bit, looking down then back up to explain.

"Alright, alright. You guys will be doing a treasure hunt. It'll be around the neighborhood. No going into people's yards or on the other streets, just this one. First group of 2 or 3 to find all of these things gets first pick on whichever cake they want." I tell them and hand out papers Rosé made a week ago. We have several cakes because we knew some kid would want chocolate, not vanilla, or some kid's allergic to something.

"You guys can go now." I tell them and they run out of the backyard, through the house and out the front door. I take one paper for Chan and I and leave the rest on the table. "Wanna play, ourselves? I know where all these things are but we can do it just for fun." I suggest and Chan shrugs.

"Eh, why not. Let's go." He takes my hand and we leave on our mini adventure.

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