8: Sock Fight..?

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This chapter is boring so you can skip it if you want cause I wrote it out of pure boredom (i swear it gets better in like a few chapters if I havent said it already 🥲)

I answer Chan's FaceTime call and prop my phone on my dresser. I put my airpods on and wave to the camera.

"Heyyy!" I smile and go over to my closet and get my suitcase out. It's covered in a billion stickers that my siblings put on it like ten years ago.

"Sup mate." Chan giggles. I put my suitcase next to my dresser and take a quick look at him through the screen. Right now, he's also packing, at least I presume. A lot of clothes and necessities are neatly folded on his bed.

"Eh, just packing for the school trip. You excited?" I ask, with a slight smile as I unzip the suitcase and open my dresser.

"Yeah! I'm packing for that first. Then I'll pack the rest afterward." He tells me, and I hum in response. He meant that he's going to pack for South Korea. As much as it hurts me that he's leaving, it hurts him more because he's moving somewhere where he won't know anyone too well at first. I put my leggings in my suitcase when I hear something clatter and a high pitched scream from my airpods. It was so damn loud. I look at my phone screen and see the phone buried in clothes.

"What was that?" I ask through laughs, watching Chan try to retrieve his phone. I swear if he just opened his closet-

"So remember when we speed cleaned my room..?" He asks and I burst out laughing again, remembering when I went over to his house a couple weeks ago. His mom told Chan to clean his room before I came. He wasn't done when I arrived at his house, so we packed everything in his closet. Work smarter, not harder. But apparently it didn't work out properly..

"I remember!" I literally start to cackle and gasp for air. Lix comes into my room and stares at me, like I just ate the last cookie. Which I might have earlier? I pick up my phone to show Chan my weird little brother that looks strange at the moment. Sadly, Lix runs out of my room when I turn my camera on him. "Dang." I sigh, catching my breath from laughing manically.

Time skip bcs the 5 star comeback overall 😩🫶 got us waiting another week man 😭:

I finished my packing for the trip so now I'm going over to Chan's house to help him pack for Korea. I knock on his family's house's front door and Mrs. Bahng answers. I give her a sweet smile and she gives one back.

"Hi Y/n, Chan is in his room." She steps out of the way to allow me into the house. I walk in.

"Thank you Mrs. Bahng." I bow 90° and go up the stairs to Chan's room. She's always been nice to me, and really everyone. I absolutely love her. It's way too obvious Chan's her kid.

Chan's door is wide open so I just walk in. He's in his closet, so I decided to scare him. Hopefully he didn't hear me walk in. I slowly sit on his bed and wait. He turns around and doesn't even see me. Dang, I frown at my failed plan.

"Meow." I say monotony in the lowest voice I can muster, causing him to flinch and fall flat on his ass. I giggle a bit then go over to help him up. Better reaction than I expected, honestly. Kind of wished I got that on video.

"Oh I see you're here." He chuckles, putting what was in his hand next to his suitcase.

"Yes, yes I am." I chuckle. "You good?" He nods when Hannah bursts into the room with Lucas. I wave awkwardly at the sudden welcome from the two.

"We're bored. Let's have a sock fight." She demands, rather than asks and reveals a bag of socks that are rolled up into balls. I shrug and look at Chan, who hesitates.

"Please?" Lucas asks and Chan sighs.

"Fine, just let me put away my guitar." He picks it up with the guitar stand and puts it in his closet, closing the door behind him. I smile to myself at his sibling's straightforward and sometimes unexpected attitudes -such as a few seconds ago.

"Ready?" Hannah asks pouring half the large bag of socks in front of Chan and I then the rest in front of her and Lucas. We all nod and Hannah points out the bedroom window. "What the heck is that?" Lucas, Chan and I look out the window, only to be met with nothing. Oh man, we fell for the oldest trick in the book.

Chan screeches and falls backwards by a sock throw by Hannah at his ribcage. "Man down!" He says, pretending to be shot.

"Noo!" I say, overly dramatic as I pick up some socks and check them at the younger kids. No mercy rule at all. Chan gets back up and we all start throwing socks at each other. One eventually hits my face, and I can't help but burst out laughing.

An idea comes to mind, then I duck behind Chan's bed and pull his hand, so he ducks too.

"Collect all the socks on our side. Then throw them all at the same time. My cue?" I whisper to him and he nods. We start collecting the socks where the other two can't see, piling them up.

"Hey! Why are you taking so long?" Hannah asks, sounding disappointed. We don't answer, but I count down from three with my fingers. On one, Chan and I throw all the socks over his bed in armfulls. Lucas and Hannah scream and we stop hiding to see them drowning in socks. We all start laughing and Chan lays down next to them on the rolled up socks. I take my phone out of my pocket and snap a quick photo of the three of them.


"Delete that!"

"Never, and I see that we won." I say, sitting next to them on the socks. It's uncomfortable, like a bunch of rocks, but like okay I guess. The socks are horrible lumps on my spine.

"Yeah, I guess you do." Hannah sighs, defeated as Chan gets up.

"That was fun, but I need to get back to packing." Chan opens the door for Lucas and Hannah. They walk out as happy as they did walking in.

"Toodles~" They wave and I raise an eyebrow at the somewhat fruity good bye. Chan shuts the door and starts picking up the socks.

"Oi, lemme do that. You can continue packing." I hug his waist and pull him up. "Shit, you're heavy!" I let go of him and fall backwards.

"Did you just say-"

"I did but we are Aussies so like it's okay. Right? You do it all the time! Why are you calling me out on it..?" I nervously laugh it off. He quickly turns around and engulfs me in a huge hug and squeezes the life out of me.

"Oh jeez- Channie!" I try to get out of his grip but he just continues squeezing my torso. I decide not to fight it, then he snuggles his face in the crook of my neck. He says something but I couldn't understand a single word he just said. "Huh?" I ask and he shakes his head, which tickles my neck and I start laughing. He purposely tickles my sides and I laugh harder. "Dude, I can't breathe!" I manage to say though laughs. He stops and gives me one last rushed hug before going back to his closet to continue packing. I smile to myself at the moment. That was cute. I loved that!

Okay, okay, don't flatter yourself. I start putting the socks back in the bag as I said I would, still with a hidden smile on a face and a pink tint across my cheeks.

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