Chapter 5

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                       Shaomei gets all confused and says, "How am I suppose to find out her information?"

"Think about it yourself... come on, you are so smart...Just come up with something.!" ,Insists Han Shangyan.

Shaomei tries to think and suddenly shouts, "SHANGYAN..! I got an idea...!"

Han Shangyan gets startled and says, "Ahh.. Kkamjjagiya!! (you scared me in Korean),  what? what is it?".

Shaomei gets up while saying, " You just sit here, I'll be back", and goes towards Momo's table.

As Shaomei gets to her table he says with a gentle voice," Excuse me! Hello my my name is Shaomei!". Momo ,Yu Bing and Wu Bai raise their heads and look at Shaomei and responds together, "Hello!". 

Shaomei continues, "Actual we are doing some survey regarding  Amusement parks. We would love to get some suggestions and feedbacks from you, if you don't mind. It'll take only 2 to 5mins."

Momo, Yu Bing and Wu Bai looks at each other don't know what to say. Momo takes the initiative as she likes amusement parks and agrees to take the survey. Shaomei then takes his mobile phone out and opens the notepad and smartly asks the questions and starts to note it down. 

He asks, " What is your good name ma'am?"

Momo answer's, "My name is Xiao Mo"

"Okay!... where do you live?.. I mean  just the city." added Shaomei.

" Virar.." answer's Momo.

"Okay.. and what's your age and highest education?" asks Shaomei.

"Umm..., I am 20 years old and am currently pursuing my Third year in Hotel and tourism management studies." 

"Now Last Question... What are your thoughts on Amusement Parks?", Asks Shaomei with a gentle smile on his face.

Momo excitingly answers, "Well who doesn't likes Amusement Parks.., everyone loves it, even myself. Even though I am scared of some rides, still I love to ride them, it's always thrilling. Why is it called Amusement park ? Because it amuses  people. Not only children but people of every age. Also now-a-days Amusement Parks are well maintained, so  you don't feel scared or anything. You enjoy every ride, like there's no tomorrow. That's it, I can speak more all day... but these two guys over here will get bored...😂"

Shaomei chuckles and says, " That's alright Ma'am. Thankyou so much for your time and feedback, Have a Nice day!" and he leaves.

Momo and the guys continues with their meal and chit chatting. Shaomei gets back to his table, Han Shangyan waiting for him looking all curious.. asks, "What happened? Did you find out?"

Shaomei making a poker face😑says, "Wait wait.. Let me sit and have some water.!" Han Shangyan sits back and waits for Shaomei to speak. Shaomei haves some water and then takes out his mobile phone and reads out the information to Shangyan, " Name is Xiao Mo. Her age is 20. Studies Hotel and tourism management, is in her third year. And stays in Virar."

Han Shangyan gets happy and says, " Very good My boy.. I knew you would get this information any how." 

"Thankyou for always believing in me My Lord... now we must leave, you have dinner meeting in the evening, we must head to the office to prepare for it." says Shaomei. And they Both leaves.

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