At That Age

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At That Age

A baby girl was born.
At the age of one, she was adopted.
At the age of two, she can now walk.
At the age of three, she can now speak more words.

By the age of four, she was able to read and write
so her parents decided to send her to school
but the school principal is strict.
She must be five years old.

Months later, she’s already five
and she’s now studying.
At the age of six, she has more friends
and already have a lot of enemies.

She was seven when people bully her more
and telling she’s not a part of her family.
She was eight when she swooned
indicating her body is weak.

At the age of nine, she was harassed
and already learn doing vices.
At the age of ten, more temptations occur
making her fall into the traps.

She was eleven when she started
losing friends.
It was the time she began to be alone
making her lose her mind
and believe she’s not worth it.

She was twelve when she graduated elementary.
At this age, she attempted to hang herself.
She was thirteen when she entered high school.
It was the time she managed to cut her wrist.

At the age of fourteen, the truth was revealed.
She is really an adopted child.
It was the time she started not to eat meals
and to lock herself in a room.

At the age of fifteen, she drowned herself
but someone tried to save her.
Still in this age, she tried hanging herself.
Sorry to say but now, no one saved her.

Days later, she went missing.
Weeks passed, they still couldn’t find her.
Months passed, that’s the time they found her
but they’re too late for her body’s already in the decomposition stage. 

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