Chapter One: The Audition

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    Savannah definitely wasn't where I wanted to be spending my weekend.  The hot afternoon sun was beating down on my back and sweat was beginning to bead up all over me, despite the thin tank top and shorts I had purposely set aside for the occasion.  The humidity was causing my already curly brown hair to frizz.  There were way too many people and the buzz of voices compared roughly to a plane engine.  I groaned, not for the first time that day.  My friend Maggie was standing next to me, somehow still bouncing excitedly.  Our morning Starbucks round must have done her in.  I, on the other hand, had gotten a decaf latte, which unfortunately didn't do much in the way of lightening my mood.

“Aww give it a rest, Nat.” Maggie poked my belly, in a sorry attempt to get a laugh out of me.  I glared at her.

“American Idol is overrated.” I said simply.

“Yet, you're here.” she rolled her eyes and started bouncing again.

I sighed.  Maggie's drivers license had been revoked by her parents due to several speeding tickets.  When she'd heard that the American Idol auditions were coming to Savannah, just an hour from our small Georgia hometown, she'd been heartbroken.  But her parent's, strong believers in discipline, hadn't given in.  Despite my extreme disposition about the show, she'd convinced me to take her.  Which, might I add, didn't take too much effort.  I exasperatedly pulled on the hem of my red shirt. 

“I need to pee.” Maggie announced.  I moaned at my friend as several curious heads turned. 

“You're a big girl, the toilets are over there.” I motioned towards the blue johnny-on-the-spots lined up against the distant building, where she'd be auditioning.  I personally would let my bladder explode before using one of those, but Maggie seemed less worried.  She gave me a sideways grin and flounced towards the germ traps.  I shivered at the thought.

The line was finally moving a bit.  Just a little further and we'd reach the tree I'd been eyeing for a while due to a lovely patch of shade beckoning to me from below.  Heat definitely wasn't my thing.

“Sun, sun, go away.” I mumbled to myself.

“What was that?” I jumped and whirled around when I heard the voice behind me.  The boy who'd spoken chuckled.  “Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.”

I blushed.  He was really cute.  I cursed myself inwardly and hoped he didn't notice the red creeping across my cheeks.  “Oh hey.” I said quietly.

“You're awful quiet,”  he said, then grinned.  I looked at my feet.  He had a nice smile that lit up his whole face and made his brown eyes twinkle.  “So are you auditioning?” he asked me.  He was genuinely curious.  I bit my lip.

“Naw, my friend is.  I just drove.” I tried to sound casual.

“I heard she had to pee?” I squeezed my eyes shut, the familiar feeling of embarrassment beginning it's unfriendly tingle.

“I think everyone heard.” I finally said, forcing my eyes open. 

“Definitely know the feeling.” he motioned towards the bathrooms. “My sister Schyler.  She's something.” He shook his head, still smiling.

I smiled, feeling a little better.  “So are you and Schyler auditioning?” I asked him.

“Just Sky.” he said simply.  I had a feeling there was more to that story, but I wasn't about to go digging into his personal life.  “I'm Colton, by the way.”  He offered me a hand.  I awkwardly took it.  My heart skipped a beat.

“I'm Natalie.”  he was looking at my nose.  Why was he looking at my nose.  Paranoia took over.

“I think you have a little sunburn.” he said, taking his gaze off my nose to look me in the eyes.  Relief flooded me. 

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