Chapter Ten: Final Judgement

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    “Nat, time to get up.” someone was gently shaking me.

“Goaway.” I mumbled, attempting to roll away from the hands.  Unfortunately whatever idiot was waking me was doing so from the wrong side of the bed.  I was just about rolled over, when I felt the bed fall away from me.  Or rather, the edge.  I shrieked as I flew through the open air, thudding to the carpeted ground in a tangle of sheets and limbs.  I blinked my eyes open and squinted, allowing them to adjust to the bright white ceiling lights. 

“Are you okay!?” I saw a pair of Toms run up by my head.  Thin legs bent and kneeled down next to me.  I slowly looked up into the worried brown eyes of Colton, blinking tiredly.

“Ouch.” I muttered.  It was a pretty slow reaction, but enough for Colton.

“What did you land on?” he was regarding me worriedly, “Did you hit your head?”

“Now that's offensive.” I mumbled, slowly pulling myself to a sitting position.  Although I had bumped my head.

“Natalie.” he warned seriously.

“I'm fine.” I groaned, rubbing my arm.  He raised his eyebrows. “Really.  But next time stick to standard means of waking me.”

“I'm gonna have to beg to differ and say that was completely your fault.” he laughed, rising to his feet and offering me a hand.  I cautiously accepted and he helped me up, disentangling me from the sheet in the process. “You are the only person I know who can make a bed dangerous.” he added, shaking his head.

“So not necessary.” I moaned, running a hand through my hair.  “What time is the bus leaving?”  Today was the day we headed for Vegas.  Tonight we performed our Final Judgment song.  And tomorrow we found out who had made it to the top 24.

“Thirty minutes.” he replied.

I just looked at him.  “You're kidding, right?”

He shook his head, dead serious.  I moaned and raced for my suitcase.  Last night I'd showered and packed, but left a pair of jeans on top to change into for the ride.

“Go away.” I told Colton for the second time that day.  He chuckled and grabbed his suitcase, rolling it towards the door.

“I'll wait outside.” He told me.  I nodded.  The minute the door shut I quickly changed into the jeans, folding my shorts and throwing them into the suitcase.  I dug my comb out and quickly ran in through my hair, then put it away.  I grabbed the case and ran for the door, flicking the lights off as I went.

Outside, Phillip stood talking to Colton.  Heejun was still trailing him like a lost puppy.  When they saw me, their conversation stopped abruptly, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it was me they had been talking about.

“Morning sleepyhead.” Phil greeted.  I glared at him. “Woo, someone's crabby.  Did Colton snore?” he asked.

“Well come to think of it, yeah.” I said.  “But actually what pissed me off was that he pretty much pushed me out of bad this morning.”  Phillip snorted.

“You two never get old.” he laughed.  I shot him a look. 

“The bus'll be here any minute.” Colton informed us, glancing at his watch. 

The next twenty minutes were a blur of people and luggage, but somehow we all ended up on the huge bus, headed for Las Vegas.  Colton and I were in a row together, and behind us was Phillip and Heejun.  Skylar was off with a girl she'd introduced us to earlier, named Elise.

“Do you know what you're gonna sing for Final Judgment yet?” I asked Colton, fiddling with my iPod. 

“I'm thinking Fix You by Coldplay.  So I can play piano.  Now's the time to show off any extra skills you've got.” he added, “What about you?”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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