Chapter Three: The Delay

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I'd love to say that I moved on with my life.  That I forgot about that boy in the line who tried to steal my heart away on a hot summer day.  But of course my brilliant luck continued, and I found myself thinking about him more and more every day.  Everything reminded me of him.  I was counting down the days until Hollywood Week, and fearing them at the same time.  And then it finally came.

“NATALIE. NATALIE. NATALIE.” something was persistently poking my left arm, causing me to moan.

“Imupalready.” I mumbled, trying to roll away from the nuisance that was my little sister.

“You're going to miss the flight! Wake up wake up WAKE UP!” her finger found my cheek, and I fought the urge to bite it.

I groaned loudly as I peeled my eyes open, blinking the pain of my ceiling lights away.  My vision slowly focused, and I could see Abby, fully dressed (in all pink) standing at the side of my bed.

“What time is it?” I murmured, fearing the answer.

“Three.  You missed your alarm.  I didn't.” she said matter-of-factly.  I cursed inwardly as I sat up abruptly, sliding my feet to the ground.  Maggie, who had finally gotten her license back, would be here to get me any minute.  Our flight left at 4:30, and connected to Nashville where we had to board yet another plane headed for Hollywood.  Which basically meant we were in for a long day.

I stumbled past Abby and threw open the dresser drawer, grabbing the first clothing items in sight.  I quickly dressed in the black skinny jeans and blue tank top, then ran out the our door to the bathroom to briskly brush my teeth and hair.  I paused just long enough to fish my heart-charm good luck necklace out of my jewelry box and fasten it carefully around my neck.  A pang of misery hit me as I fingered it, and I fought the memories away.

There was a honk from outside, jerking me from my nostalgia. I jumped, knocking my brush into the sink, which I suppose was close enough to it's cup.  Abby was standing in the doorway, watching me intently.  Amusement was clear on her face.

“Will you tell Maggie I'll be out in a second?” It probably came out as more of an order than a request, but either way she trotted towards the front door.  I sprinted to my room and grabbed my suitcase and plane ticket, slipping my Toms on.  I'd almost reached the door when my dad popped out of the kitchen and caught me in a hug.

“Be safe, honey.  And good luck.” he whispered into my hair.  Then he released me. “I love you.”

“Love you too, dad.” I replied, planting a kiss on his cheek.  Another honk came from outside, and Abby appeared in the doorway.

“She says she's gonna leave if you don't get your butt out there.” she said solemnly.  I laughed and kissed her forehead as I ran out the door.

“I'll see you guys soon.” I smiled.

The minute I slid into the passenger seat, Maggie was gushing.  I sat back and prepared myself for a long drive.

“Due to unfavorable weather conditions, we ask that you all remain seated and buckled as we approach Nashville.” the flight attendant sounded incredibly calm, despite the swirling storm outside the plane.  Though it may also have had to do with the fact that she didn't have a middle-aged airsick man next to her.  Maggie kept making faces at me to try to calm the atmosphere.  Which wasn't exactly working out.  The turbulence was insane, and I was just slightly worried for our lives.

The man next to me wretched, and I scooted even further away.  His face had a greenish hue.

“Remind me again why I agreed to this.” I moaned.

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