Chapter Seven: White Jackets

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    “Well then.” I mumbled awkwardly as Maggie turned and trotted after Schyler and a brunette they'd called Brielle.  She'd basically just denied me access to her group.  Which of course didn't surprise me.  Maggie never had been particularly reliable in the way of being a decent friend.  But I guess I'd sort of thought that the whole idol thing would bring us closer together rather than tear us apart.  Instead, it seemed Schyler had basically taken my position as her best friend.  Colton stood next to me, looking equally baffled.

“Not gonna lie, for a couple days there I actually thought Sky was enjoying my presence.” he said, trying to hold a straight face.  I snorted.

“Same deal with Mags.  We've both been replaced.”

Phillip unfortunately was no where in sight, and we needed at least one more person to be considered a group.

“You know the fact that we don't even have his number is sort of pathetic.” I said offhandedly as we trundled through the crowd in the overstuffed conference center, trying to pick up a loner.

“No really?” Colton replied sarcastically. “Ugh.  I really don't wanna have to split up.  That's the worst.”

We walked in silence for a bit.  I was starting to doubt we'd be able to see loners, if there even were any.  I felt my phone buried deep in my pocket, banging against my thigh as a constant reminder of what I was too scared to look at.  What might even be completely pointless.  But I kept it there nonetheless.  I never knew when a sudden spurt of bravery might come along.  Then someone tapped my shoulder.  I grabbed Colton's wrist to let him know I was stopping, and turned.  I was face to face with a curly-haired brunette that looked about my age.  Behind her was a tall blond guy I recognized from the first day, because of his amazing voice: Chase Likens. 

“Do ya'll have a group?” the girl asked with a thick country drawl.  She had to speak a little above regular talking volume so we could hear her above the crowd.

“Nah, just the two of us.” Colton answered for me, “Group of four?” he suggested.  The two nodded, looking relieved.

“I was starting to think no one was left.” Chase laughed.  We followed them off to a less crowded area.

“I'm Skylar.” the girl smiled, holding out a hand.

“Another?” Colton laughed, accepting it.  She looked confused.

“My sister's name is Schyler.” he explained.  “I'm Colton.”

“And I'm not his sister.” I explained further, in response to looks they were giving me, “I'm Natalie.”

“Chase.” Chase said simply.  He eyed Colton. “You were on here last year, weren't you?” Colton nodded.  He looked really small next to Chase, even though they were about the same height.  But Chase was thick like a football player, where Colton compared roughly to a stick.  A cute stick, but a stick nonetheless.  I considered punishing myself for the thought, but decided I could get away with it.  It wasn't like calling a guy a cute stick was exactly a compliment. 

By the time I zoned back into the conversation, they were trying to choose between two songs.  Colton asked my opinion, and I said the first one sounded fine, even though I'd never heard of either.  It was called, “Dedicated To The One I Love.”

Skylar started humming a few notes, and nodded in agreement.  Colton offered to grab the sheet music, and I went with him.

“I have to sing in front of them, don't I?” I asked, once we were out of hearing range.  He shot me an amused look.

“Unless you plan on speaking your lines?” he let his voice rise at the end, turning it into a question.

“Is that an option?” I responded, smiling and batting my eyelashes in an attempted puppy eyes.

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