Chapter Five: Sudden Death

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    “Nat.  Sing it for me.  You're not going to get through if you don't practice.” Colton, Phil, and I were sitting in a secluded corner of the huge conference hall, each holding a sheet of music.  They were all different, and I'd never heard of either of their songs before.  I'd picked an Adele piece called Chasing Pavements, and was now sitting between the boys humming the notes quietly to myself.

Phil and Colton had been practicing nonstop for the past two hours, and both sounded remarkable.  I figured it wasn't even worth trying, since over half of the contestants had to be as good as them.

“How did you get past the audition with stage fright?” Phillip shook his head, laughing.  I glared at him, which just made him laugh harder, shrugging.  “Colt's right.  You've gotta practice.” he finally said.

“I'm not gonna get through anyway, so what's the use.” I mumbled.

“Don't talk like that!” Colton nudged me, “If you don't practice, I'll go over to the security guard right there,” he pointed to a burly man who was slurping a huge soda, “And tell him I decided I didn't want to go any further.”

I gasped.  He couldn't do that.  Especially not for me.  He was way too good.

“You wouldn't.”

“Would too.” he met my eyes, dead serious.

“I'll never understand you two.” Phillip mumbled, shaking his head.

“Colt-” I began.

“No arguing.  Sing or I'm gone.” his gaze never left mine.

“I can't.” I murmured, glaring at my feet.

“Want us to sing with you?” Phil offered, looking over my shoulder at my music.

I shrugged, cheeks reddening.  I didn't deserve these guys.

“Remember what I told you before the audition.” Colton said, taking the music from my hand, “Alone in your room.”

I closed my eyes, imagining the paper.  I widened my image, imagining my room and tuning the boys out.  I sung the first few stanzas, then felt a hand touch my shoulder.  I opened my eyes to see Colton.

“Wow...  Nat you're really good.” I blushed.

“Constructive criticism would be nice?” I tried to hold his gaze.

“She probably would have been just fine going up without practice.” Phillip mumbled, rolling his eyes.  Phil must've taken the music from Colton's hand, because he was now glaring at it.

“Don't tell her that.” Colton hissed.  They both laughed.

“Anything?” I asked again.

“You were sort of quiet.” Phillip suggested, casually looking over my music.

I rolled my eyes, but Colton nodded. “He's right.  Don't be too quiet, it'll constrict your vocals.”

“How can I fix that!?” I cried.

“Sing louder?” Phillip gave me a look, and I stuck my tongue out at him.  He slouched back against the wall.  His face was definitely greyish. 

I contemplated asking about it for a second time, but figured he'd just insist nothing was wrong again.  Instead I said, “What if I totally freak in front of the judges?”

“Can you sing to me?” Colton asked simply.

“I mean... Yeah?” I realized that it was true.  I'd felt strangely comfortable singing for Colton a moment ago.  It was weird, since I'd known Maggie practically my whole life and still felt wrong singing for her. 

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