Chapter Eight: Room Four

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“We wish everyone luck.” Jennifer said.  Then the judges turned to face the stage, calling up the first group.  Which, to my great surprise, contained Phillip.  Two guys I didn't know were in it, along with an asian that all the camera's had been focused completely on the past couple of days.  Heejun, I think.  They sounded amazing and I couldn't help but giggle at Phillip, who was so into the song he couldn't stick with their choreography.  The judges loved it anyway.  Once they'd finished, he awkwardly stalked directly for us, Heejun at his heels like a lost puppy.

“Way to abandon me.” he muttered through gritted teeth as he plopped down next to me.  Heejun cautiously took the seat next to him.  I slowly turned to him, eyebrows raised.

“You, sir, were no where to be found.” With a start I noticed his skin had a definite green hue to it.

He studied my face for a moment. “Are you wearing makeup?” He finally asked, looking shocked.

“Is makeup the only thing guys notice!?” I shot back, overwhelmed.  I fought to hide my amusement as I noticed his feet twitch away from me.

“You have lots of friends.” Heejun said.  I'd nearly forgotten he was there.  He had a very strong accent, that I'd noticed in his singing.

“I'm Natalie, and that's Colton,” I said, motioning to him. “We're his only two friends.” That caught Colton's attention, and he turned to face us. 

“Oh hey bro.  Sounded sick.” he leaned across me to speak to Phillip, and it made my heart speed up.  Phil looked baffled.

“You aren't my only friends?” He said halfheartedly. 

“Right.” I responded.  The green hue seemed to be intensifying. “How's your stomach?” I asked under my breath.

“And she actually cares about me.” he muttered, still looking like he was trying to work everything out.  I rolled my eyes and turned back to the stage, as another group was about to start.  We didn't speak again until Schyler, Maggie, and Brielle mounted the stage.  Poor Phil looked even more confused than he did when he sat down.

“Who are they with?” he asked.

“Brielle.” I put sarcastic emphasis on the name.  I wasn't particularly fond of the girl.  Whether it was because she hadn't allowed me to join the group with my friends, or her mother, who thought she was better than everyone else, I wasn't quite sure.  Probably a bit of both.

“Woo, never thought I'd see you legitimately despise someone.” I gave him a look, and he shrugged defensively.  “On a side note, what are they wearing?”

“They're supposed to be World War II nurses.” Colton said, shrugging. “I think Sky's gone off the deep end.” we laughed, and were then shushed because the music had begun.

Their choreography was amazing, but Brielle started slightly off tempo, which threw Maggie and Sky into a frenzy trying to cover her.  Long story short, their voices were beautiful, but their friend was pretty much doomed.  I turned worriedly to Colton, who just shook his head, looking nervous.  They at least seemed like they'd really enjoyed themselves.  Five more groups went, then it was our turn.  Phillip caught my wrist as I stood.

“Good luck.” he muttered.  I smiled.  Phil really was a fantastic friend.

“Thanks.” I responded.  Colton nodded in agreement.  Then we both followed Skylar and Chase to the stage.  My stomach was starting to hurt, but as we mounted the stairs Colton met my eyes and gave me a reassuring face, which basically consisted of him opening his mouth and eyes really wide, then sticking his tongue out.  I couldn't help but grin, feeling a little better.

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