First meeting your boyfriend

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Ichigo Kurosaki
Walking down the street you would smile as you take notes of your new neighbourhood. Yourself and two of your childhood friends had moved in together to start a new school away from your old lives and honestly start a new one with your friend's. Smiling as you kept walking you would soon turn a corner only to run into someone, as you flinch back you would slowly look up and clear your throat to apologise only to be beaten to it "Oh Sorry! I-Im really sorry. I should have been paying more attention to where I was going" The male would apologise, bowing his orange haired head down. once he raised his head you would shake your own "No need to apologise, I was the one who had turned the corner and was paying no attention." You would place the blame on yourself as you silently tried to recall where you had seen this male before. raising your hand to wave the male off you would walk down the street thinking about where you had seen him, until half an hour when you got an answer as you walked past your neighbour's house to see the same orange head male walking into the house a few doors down.

Shunsui Kyoraku
"Hello my dear, Y-N. Would you be able to go drop this off to Captain Shunsui in Squad 8? I would normally get someone else to do it but everyone else is busy" Jushiro asked as he held a file in his hand, for you to take. Taking it, Jushiro would sigh happily as he knew you were new to the squad and as such, Jushiro wanted to introduce you slowly to been the third seat to his squad but you knew that your job was this so you were ok with it. After running it by him on how to get to Squad 8's captains office you would leave to walk to the office, slowly so you didnt get lost. When you arrived at the door you would look inside, looking around as Shunsui wasnt at his desk, and yet as you looked around the office you couldnt see anyone "Huh, I thought Jushiro said that Captain Shu-" As you went to mutter to yourself a large hand would sit on your shoulder which made you squeak. Hearing a deep chuckle from behind you, you would turn a little to see a pink Kimono over a white Captain Hari before you looked up to him "Ah finally i get to meet Jushiro's little job girl who he has been talking about" Shunsui said as he reached over and took the file from your hand "Hey, come by anytime you want, Jushiro can get busy so if you need any help im here" Shunsui offered as he walked in his office. Turning back you would go to leave when you ran into a black haired women who seemed to be following Shunsui.

Jushiro Ukitaki
Sitting in the shared office of Jushiro, His lieutenant and (Shunsui's partner) who had been your friend since the two of you passed away at around the same time so the two of you had woken up near each other in the Soul society and as the two of you were scared you both bonded. As you sat and thought about how you met your best friend you wouldnt notice Jushiro walking in and over to you. Standing over you and raising an eyebrow Jushiro would wonder if you were ok "Dear Y-N?" As your name rang in your ears you would gasp and pull away from the couch and stood up "Captain Ukitaki! Sir, yes sir how can i help you!" You would ask as Jushiro started to chuckle at you. you had clearly paid no attention to what he said as he reiterated "I asked why were you here dear Y-N, (Shunsui's Partner) said the two of you planned to meet at the candy store" When Jushiro mentioned the Candy store, he could see it click in your head that you HAD in fact made that agreement and you ran out with Jushiro waving to you.

Byakuya Kuchiki
You would walk down the hall's of the Kuchiki estate with Rukia who was casually chatting with you "Can you believe it Y-N! he asked me out! like asked asked me, with roses and everything!" You would listen as Rukia went on about her mystery new partner who you hadn't met yet because she didn't want you to scare them off as you were VERY protective of her. The two of you would keep walking and soon turned the corner which caused you to run into Byakuya. "Ow, oh...uh" When you saw who it was and how when you had run into him the bottle of opened ink he had been holding would spill over himself, or more accurately his pure white captain Haori, which now had a huge black stain on half of it "Y-N, run" Rukia muttered as you quickly turned and bolted down the hall so you could escape the wrath of Byakuya while Rukia tried to calm down her brother.

Chad, Yasutora Sado
Waving to (Ichigo's Partner) as you walked out the apartment, looking down to your shoes making sure they were tied up before you take off jogging down the street, looking left and right for places. as you jogged around you would plan out the dinner situation, for today at the very least as  you still had to unpack the kitchen utensils, so as you jogged you would slow down as you got to a crosswalk and after waiting for the light turned green, you would take a few steps out on the crossing only to slow down so you were walking beside an older gentleman who was slowly walking across the road who seemed to have a leg injury as he was limping a little. Once the two of you had crossed the road, the older gentleman looked at you and chuckled "Would you happen to be going to the shop?" The gentleman asked as you gave a small nod the two of you would shop together. as the two of you shopped you would both chat about all kinds of things including how you were starting at a new school "Oh my Grandson goes to that school, you should say hello to him if your every around him, I have been teaching him to be a kinder person" The elderly gentleman who had introduced himself as Oscar (EF THAT Im not typing his whole name out, his grandfather) and as the two of you got to the check out you would pay for both you and Oscar's food before starting to leave the shop but as you both walk out "Grandpa! there you are, I thought I to not go....out who's this?" the male would ask as he looked towards you. After very quick introduction's you would leave Chad and his grandfather to walk home with frozen pizza for you and your roommates.

Uryu Ishida
Walking up the stairs holding the new schedules' for yourself, (Chad's partner) and (Ichigo's Partner) as you would quickly make sure that everything is up to standard for the three of you. as you stepped of the stair's and turned to go down the final flight of stairs, you would bump into a black haired male before flinching backwards "Oh sorry! sorry! i was not paying attention to where i was going" You would apologise and bowed a little while the black haired male just chuckled "No no, its on me, i had my head in a book" He would apologise before walking off as the bell for class rang.

Kenpachi Zaraki
Standing in line with all the other new recruits for squad 11 before he turned and looked at you as he smirked. you were the brand new 5th seat for his squad "If you new recruits want to get a seated position, be more like Jackson here. he has been in the squad for 10 months and he is now the 5th seat after he truly proved himself in battle" Kenpachi announced your new status as you stood proudly at your new title. Once the Squad meeting was over, Kenpachi would ask for you to come to his office and kindly asked for you to do some paperwork delivery "Thanks officer Y-N. be careful with your round's with the rain and everything may send ya flying like Ikkaku" You would then nod and wandered off

Toshiro Hitsugaya
(if your male or Trans or gender fluid or gender non conforming then im sorry but in this story Your character will be referred to in the female honorific by the head captain because "He only wanted a daughter" skip it if your not comfortable. Its for the plot)
Running into Squad 10's office you would bolt over to Toshiro's desk and hide under it "Was that Y-N?" You would hear Momo ask as Toshiro looked at her shocked "Who is Y-N?" As Toshiro asked the door slammed open again as Chojiro looked around the room "Have either of you seen Madam Y-N?" As Chojiro would refer to you with such title, both you and Momo would shudder before Momo shock her head "they ran in and ran outside muttering about hiding in the village" Momo flat out lied as Chojiro ran out the room after Momo spoke. once he was gone and you couldnt hear his footsteps anymore you would climb out of your hiding spot and waved at Momo and Toshiro who was still confused before you ran back into the Seireitei where you had been crashing at away from your dad. 

Renji Abarai
As you walked with Byakuya through the hall's of the Seireitei doing the monthly room checks as Byakuya kept his squad to a high level of cleanliness. as you exited another room after Byakuya he would stop in front of the next room and looked at you as you looked to see who's room this was in your list of names " Lieutenant Renji's room and he sh--" You would be interrupted when you heard Renji running down the hall. Unable to stop in time Renji would slam into you sending yourself, Renji and the paper you had been writing the reports on down. quickly getting up and off you, Renji would stand in line for the inspection while you tried to resort the paper that was now all over the ground. "Your late Renji, this is your first, and only warning" Byakuya muttered as he continued with his inspection

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