getting caught pt 2

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Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke always gave you space but when you initiated it once in a blue moon he was more and more happy to reciprocate until Yoruichi slammed the door open, black soot all over her face and your brand new experimental hollow tracker destroyed in her hand. the two of you stared at the doorway for a few moments, your eyes on your broken invention, his eyes on Yoruichi trying not to laugh "Oh...looks like I walked in on something I shouldn't have" She muttered quickly leaving before you slowly turned back to Kisuke. "....can we continue? ill deal with the invention later" You questioned as Kisuke happily agreed and laid you down on the comfortable bed before the two of you got back to business.

Shuhei Hisagi
Shuhei never had much issue getting handsy with you when he comes around because he does spend most of his time away from you but at the same time he will never push your boundaries. Today he came over to your place and as he started to get handsy you warned him "Keep it up, and I will blame you for not having my essay done" You warned as you kept writing the essay, only for him to bury his head in your neck and slowly kiss up and down "What me? Me distract you?" Shuhei played innocence as he kept kissing your neck. Hitting your special spot on your neck would basically brake you as you pushed him away and get on his lap to kiss him. After a good steamy make out session, just as you start to pull your shirt off the two of you would freeze as you sensed Kensei. You both stay quite hoping he would leave but... "Shuhei!" the Captain called out which made the two of you get up and straighten yourselves up before he left to take care of Kensei.

Kaname Tosen
Kaname had just returned from a mission that had him away for a few days when he strolled into your shared room where you were sitting, naked, on the bed. Well sitting isn't the right word, it's better to say you were presenting yourself to Kaname who happily closed the door behind him and even though he wanted to pounce on you, he would hold himself back with a smirk "You look so eager Y-n~ did you miss me that much?" Kaname teased as the two of you started to make out however it wouldn't get further then that as the two of you heard Gin singing out for Kaname "Kaname~ Y-N~ Aizen wants you bothhh~" hearing this the two of you would both get up and you would quickly get dressed "Ah but Y-N, we can continue this later" Kaname would promise as he kissed the side of your head before leaving first. You would follow a few moments after so it didn't look like the two of you got interrupted.

Izuru Kira
You had been given a week off after an accidental explosion in the testing chamber, that should have been empty due to captains orders, but either way it was a nice week of relaxing. Alone. Kira had been covering more work due to Captain Rose breaking his arm in captain training but today was Saturday, Kira's day off, and your 5th day off which meant the two of you could relax lay in bed, or in your case make out with your boyfriend and practice binding "hehe Your getting so much better at Kido dear" Kira said as you kiss his neck "Well I have motive to learn things" You would tease as you pulled off your shirt only for the door to slam open "oi Kira I n...uhhh" Shuhei would stop in the doorway you and Kira stare at him "Sorry!" Shuhei would scream as he slammed the door shut and flashstepped away "...I should figure out what he wanted sorry dear" Kira would sigh disappointedly before he motioned to the binding that stopped him from moving "No this is your day off, Shuhei shouldn't have interrupted and I want my reward" You teased him as you went down and nipped his neck

Isshin Kurosaki
Isshin was very affectionate towards you but with three kids the two of you were very weary about starting anything inappropriate until one Tuesday. The clinic was closed, Yuzu and Karen were on a school excursion for the week, Ichigo was out with his friends for another hour and you had been wearing a new outfit that showed everything off and Isshin was getting impatient but his patience snapped when you bent over to pick up one of Karen's balls and he got a good view of your lack of under garments. Stalking up behind you, Isshin would wrap his arms around your waist and let his hands slip up your shirt "You have been teasing me all day, and I am going to make you regret it" He growled and sat you on the counter which worried you because you were very visible though Isshin wasn't as he went down on you. Losing all your focus you would let strings of moans and whimpers out until the two of you heard the front door open and you looked towards the door to the kitchen "Y-N Dad, me and My partner are heading upstairs cause its about to start raining" Ichigo would call into the house which made you shove Isshin away just as Ichigo walked in " you two are" Ichigo muttered as you got off the counter with an embarrassed laugh "Y-Yeah we are here...uh ill bring up some snacks for you" You promised as Ichigo left the room. Chuckling Isshin would lean over and whisper "Can I continue my snack?" which made you flick his forehead and scold him with a touching ban for 12 hours until Ichigo is back at school the next day

Ryuken Ishida
Ryuken wasn't all that into doing some of the more risky things to do with showing affection. Outside of loving 'accidental bumps' the two of you agreed that there was no PDA at work AT ALL. At home the two of you would hug and kiss but sex was only in the bedroom though...starting a make out as the two of you walked towards your bedroom was fine right? The Christmas rush had just finished and new years was a week ago so the two of you weren't run of your feet finally which meant you could both go home and a hug turned into a kiss which turned into a passionate make out session as he started to take his jacket off and your arms were wrapped around his neck "mmm fuck I missed you Y-n" Ryuken muttered as he pulled away for a few seconds but before he could dip down the two of you would hear the bathroom door open and you both turned towards Uryu who was drying his hand as he left the bathroom. Silence. Before Uryu would point to the door with a muttering about 'going to visit P/N' before he went to his room to grab his stuff. Once gone you would look at Ryuken who was bright red "wanna continue?" You asked him as he turned to face you and slammed his lips against yours

Szayelaporro Granz
Szayelaporro liked hugs and would possessively kiss you every now and again when any of the other arrancar flirted with you but for the most part he didn't start things and honestly you didn't mind given your love language was quality time over affection. Though there was a few times he would stroll over and kiss you, mostly when he was frustrated, but even then it wasn't like people came into his area often enough to catch him kissing you.

Coyote Starrk
Starrk was very paranoid about people catching you and him together so often times if he sensed anyone getting close Starrk would pull apart from you and made it look like he was discussing Aizens plan or Lillynetts care so it wasn't something you ever thought would happen until Gin showed his face "What cha doing? Fucking it?" Gin asked Sarcastically as Starrk glared at Gin "None of your business. what are you doing here? We don't have a meeting today?" Starrk was quite angry that not only was his time with you interrupted but Gin was been quite disrespectful "Aizen wants ta talk to ya, and I'm sure he will wanna talk ta both of ya when he finds out...what you do in ya free time" Gin said flash stepping away. Following after Starrk would dress quickly and told you 'don't worry, I'll deal with them' as he rushed out

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