meeting THEIR family/Friends

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Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke didn't really have family especially now he had been banished away to the human world but for all intense and purpose his family was Yoruichi and she was already well aware about your relationship given she had tried to get into your pants before you got together with Urahara whom held it over her head for like two weeks until Yoruichi and him finally got into a full blown fight which lead to you threatening them. "I swear to the gods! If you don't stop this stupid fight ill go back to the soul society and stay there for like a month!" Your threat caused both of them to pout but they both agreed to a truce especially given how Kisuke was clinging to you when Ichigo commented as he walked in, the end of the fight playing out in front of him "they fight like brother and sister when it comes to you" Which made you giggle "Yeah, that's Kisuke for you, a family by can I help today"

Shuhei Hisagi
Shuhei's family was not something he bought up but one day when he came by, he was accompanied by a wolf like humanoid and another reaper, both wearing white outer coats "S-Sorry Y-N, they insisted on coming and meeting you...uh" Shuhei clearly was unsure of what to do as you were shocked for a few minutes until you let all three of them in "Sorry I wasn't expecting visitors or even Shuhei today...come in and ill make some tea" You said as the two new guests walked in before Shuhei who quickly hugged you and whispered quickly into your ears who they were and whom they were "Oh so like your family" You said as Shuhei chuckled nervously sorta agreeing with your statement. After you made tea and sat down with them "So your Y-N, Shuhei told me a little about you, its nice to finally meet you" Sajin finally spoke up first as Kensei was eyeing you "yeah...uh I am...Ke...Sajin!" You eyed Shuhei to try and figure exactly who was who "You never mentioned us to them?" Kensei questioned Shuhei who looked away a little ashamed "Don't blame him...I dislike talking about the soul society...its kinda sad" You defended your boyfriend as you leant back and relaxed on your couch. After you mentioned this both the captains relaxed and soon the four of you were talking like good friends "Haha, yes, Shuhei has changed remarkably since he met you, much happier with life" Sajin would comment as Shuhei was getting himself a glass of water "And I wouldn't have it any other way...he is amazing" You commented as you watched the doorway for him to return, though you felt Kensei's eyes on you which made you look over to him "Relax, for as long as my soul exists I will love him...and I wouldn't dream of hurting him" You promised which made Kensei relax a little and when Shuhei walked in all your attention went to you.

Kaname Tosen
Kaname had no family, especially now that he followed Aizen but you didn't mind given it meant all his spare time with you especially now as the two of you snuggle "What's wrong Y-N?" He asked as you stared at him silently "Oh! Sorry sorry, I was just thinking" You muttered as Kaname kissed the side of your head "Awe my adorable Y-N, family is unimportant when I have you" You would blush at Kaname's words before burying your face as the two of you spent some time snuggled together as he had duty later on and this was the only time you would have together

Izuru Kira
Kira's family had already passed away when you came into his life but he promised you if you wanted to go to their graves he would take you but you could tell even the thought of it upset him so you promised him you didn't mind not visiting. "Besides, I've met your new Captain and all your friends, and they like me and they are who are important in your life so id say your found family likes me" You promised Kira as you finished making his bento box for his lunch "Well i guess that IS true...heh thanks Y-N" Kira said kissing your temple before rushing off to his squad meeting.

Isshin Kurosaki
When Isshin and you got together again you took each kid to the side and promised them that you weren't replacing their mother and you would do your best to care for each of them. Yuzu and Karen both happily accepted you as a second parent and someone else they could rely on. As for Ichigo, he hesitated but you promised him you understood his hesitation especially knowing his family history yet you had to reiterate you were just there to love his father, him and his sister and work at the clinic which he was happy about, especially knowing how hard his father took his mothers death.

Ryuken Ishida
Ryuken was very pushy for you and Uryu to get along so in front of him you both agree to play nice but when he wasn't around Uryu was a lot harsher towards you which you understood especially given how he believed you treated his mother. Yet the first time you met him, after helping give birth to him, he was so shocked that his father bought you into his home though he never questioned WHY. Eventually after many months the two of you started to get along which you loved because you finally got to see the son Ryuken would always ramble about.

Szayelaporro Granz
When you first met Yylford you were scared of him because Szayelaporro had stepped out of his lab and no one was meant to be in here without him! "Who are you?" walking closer as he asked who you were, you would jump off the counter you had been sitting on and backed away. As he stalked closer to you, you quickly turned to run out the door only to run into Szayelaporro whom wrapped his arm around your waist and glared at Yylford "What the hell are you doing in my lab Yylford?" Szayelaporro asked as you clung to him. Yylford did answer but you didn't hear it as Szayelaporro wrapped his hands around your ears, guessing they were arguing. After what you guessed was about 5 minutes before he picked you up and sat you back down where you had been moments before. "If that blonde haired asshole ever comes by again, call for someone. He is not allowed to be here" You nodded at his words just happy the guy was gone though you were curious about why the blonde guy called Szayelaporro his brother "D...Do you have a brother?" You asked nervously in case Szayelaporro didnt wanna talk about it but he just sighed "he is more a parasite then a brother but yes" after getting your answer you would think for a few moments before nodding "I agree, he is a parasite, cause I don't like parasites" Your response got a small smile out of Szayelaporro whom walked over and kissed your cheek muttering something about 'been good for him'

Coyote Starrk
Lilynett was Starrks family and she knew that Starrk liked you and that you liked him but she was always very respectful about it knowing that you could disappear if someone found out but when the three of you were away from all of the other's she would ask questions trying to get you to blush! "Hey Hey Y-n!" Lilynett would call out for you and rushed over to you as Starrk had a meeting so the two of you were doing some running around in the endless desert "Yes Lilynett?" Your response would come as you knelt down in front of her to listen to her "I got a question, if me and Starrk Los Lobos would I also fall in love with you?" Lilynetts questioned made you hesitate for a few moments as you looked around "Ah well i would like to think you already like me, but no, because Starrk is Starrk and you are you, your not a puppet or something that would do whatever he orders you to" You explained as she smiled widely "Good! Cause I don't wanna love you cause your like my big TAG YOUR IT!" You would smile until she slammed her hand onto your forehead and screamed, reminding you that the two of you were playing tag.

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