They realise they love you

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Ichigo Kurosaki
You had seen Ichigo every day for just under 6 months as he saw all kinds of sides of you. Your smile most days, your annoyance when it rained, the goofy giggle whenever his father was his stupid father however the day he realised it. It was that day. You were standing outside Ichigo's place as he walked out and waved at you before stopping as he double checked he had everything he needed "Hey strawberry head!" You said as he started to follow you. it had rained the night before and as Ichigo had stopped beside you, you would kick up a puddle of water which made Ichigo flinch and laugh "Y-N! Are you kidding me! we have school!" He said which made you laugh as you shock your head. In that moment Ichigo would smile as the feeling finally made sense. "Come on lets go strawberry head you can easily have it dried at school" you said as you rushed forward to stay out of splash range.

Shunsui Kyoraku
Shunsui had run into you many times, giving you help, idea's, even a place to do your work in peace and quiet when Jushiro's 'loud idiots' are running around. The day he realised he loved you, it was a normal day, you had gone to his office to finish some paperwork as Kiyone and Sentaro were been loud as normal and as you wanted some peace and quiet you had gone to Shunsui's office. Sitting at his desk as Nano was gone and Shunsui was meant to be in a meeting you were hoping for peace and quiet for 2 minutes so you could finish some paperwork when Shunsui opened the door. Seeing you, he would raise an eyebrow "Y-N? Jushiro didn't make any mention you would be here..." He said as you would sigh "No its ok captain Kyoraku I w-" before you could say anything or pack anything up, Shunsui walked over and stopped you "Stay, I was just coming to grab something, and after that I am doing a squad wide check. You have my office for you to use as you see fit in pure silence for the next 3 hours"  Shunsui said as you let a satisfied laugh as he left. Once out of the room he would let a happy giggle as he had confirmed it. He was in love.

Jushiro Ukitaki
It was the first time in a few years Jushiro was allowed to drink, so he went out with Shunsui and Unohana to make sure nothing bad had happened. "Yeah yeah, I'm thinking that Y-N should be assigned to Jushiro with how he looks at her~" Shunsui would tease as Jushiro turned bright red before he cleared his throat and looked away "Oh, so you have a crush on little L-N? they are very kind and they would make it easier on my shoulders if I knew you had a good healer watching over you" Unohana would comment as Jushiro went to say something but stopped. "And it clicks, he finally realises that the feeling of gitty and joy is love" Shunsui said before Jushiro bite back "Hmm, and what about you and my Third seat? huh? You wanna admit you love them" as Jushiro spoke, the attention would turn to Shunsui and his love. 

Byakuya Kuchiki
You were dead sleep from your late drunken party when Byakuya went to check on you the next morning. "Y-N is still sleeping, you shouldn't wake them up. They never gets a chance to sleep in Nii-chan..." Rukia asked her brother was watching you sleep. "Y-N...are they single?" Byakuya asks as he closed the door which made Rukia start to beam with happiness "Yes they are and they are into guys, especially you~ they keeps talking about how your really cool"  Rukia would spill your secret to Byakuya before giggling  as she left him alone so he could ponder over why his heart went a million miles a minute whenever he saw you or he heard about you. 

Chad, Yasutora Sado
Chad took a few days of after his grandfather's death (I know the actual lore is different) and every day he took off you would walk to his place and drop the work off and helped him with it. When Saturday came around and you knocked on the door Chad would open the door and raise an eyebrow when he saw you "Y-N?" He asked as you offered him a traybake of food "I cooked some extra food in case you didnt have any. besides! Im sure you will love it" Chad took the tray away from you before letting you in "Sorry I dont have any extra classes for you or anything hehe however I thought you would like to have someone to hang out with...if your up for it! I even found this adorable teddy when i was at the shops yesterday to get the stuff for your bake dish" You said as you would walk into his place before the two of your sat down and watched Carnivore Kingdom. As you sat and watched the show, Chad would smile and let a happy sigh out as he realised that he had found the special someone his grandfather constantly told him about.

Uryu Ishida
After Uryu gave you the book back you two started chatting about the books you were reading, and the day he realised he loved you was when he was sitting, reading your favourite book series so the two of you could chat about it. While he was reading all he could think about was how awful the book was written yet he kept reading it so he could talk with you "Uryu why are you pulling a face at the dinner table" Ryuken said as Uryu looked up from the book. After explaining how he disliked the writing style "Then why are you reading it?" As Ryuken asked Uryu would shrug and flip to the next page "Because my friend likes it and I want to chat about it to them" Uryu said as his father scoffed and muttered about 'how pathetic it is, your in love'

Kenpachi Zaraki
He still isnt sure what made it click. How you kicked ass even though you were skinnier, smaller and frankly visibly weaker the men in his squad and yet still humble enough to ask for tips and pointers as to how you could get better about it, or how you were with Yachiru whenever Ikkaku wasnt around because you were able to give her the attention she wanted or needed. Yet as he was watching you help Yachiru pick out a gift for her birthday, he would smile "Y-N Y-N! I want this one its got bones!" Yachiru said as you picked the headpiece up and placed it against her hair "Looks good Yachiru" Kenpachi said as he walked forward to join the two of you.

Toshiro Hitsugaya
It was the Grin, you had been finally introduced into the 10th division and you were wearing this goofy grin that Toshiro couldn't help but staring. You were slowly climbing ranks and currently you were sitting as the 10th seated member which meant you had to go to Toshiro's office where he had been talking to Rangeku. As he kept talking you would knock on the door which made Toshiro sit up and walk towards you "Y-N! Congratulations on becoming the 10th seated member" He said as you let your grin out and giggled "Haha! watch out Iceman I'm coming for your position" You would tease as Toshiro let a small laugh out before you handed him some paperwork "Sorry to dump some work on you Captain, but I have to go do rounds and I've got this almost all done, I just need someone to look over it and if it's good I'll sign it when I'm back" You said as Toshiro took the paperwork before you ran off "Ohhh Toshiro has a crushh" Rangeku would  tease as he turned to her and raised an eyebrow "Are you done with your goofing around because there is paperwork you could do" He said as Rangeku would quickly leave

Renji Abarai
Renji was watching you training with some subordinates as you needed to stretch your legs plus you were always wanting to help people with fighting. As he watched you, and you flicked your sword forward to disarm one of the fighter's Rukia would whistle from behind him "Y-n is looking good" Rukia said as she watched Renji let a love struck sigh out "Your telling me Rukia" As He said that Rukia would start laughing and teasing the now red faced Renji about his crush.

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