First date Pt 2

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Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke was unsure of how to bring up the idea of a date to you, especially given you went back to the soul society for a few days but when you returned Tessai told you that Kisuke was out at a nearby Zoo that had opened which you went to and when you saw him you giggled as he was watching some Monkeys play around "Oh they are cute" you said as you poked Kisuke and he turned to you with a huge grin "Y-n! Oh your back! hehe how's things back in the society" He questioned as you explained your trip away as the two of you walked around the zoo and Kisuke explained some of the animals that were around before the two of you brought food and kept talking "Kisuke, is this a date?" You questioned as Kisuke would think for a moment before nodding "Yep, this is a date, our first date" He told you as you giggled and finished your food before you went home.

Shuhei Hisagi
It was another two weeks after the two of you started dating when Shuhei popped back up again and he insisted on taking you out and even though he wasn't sure 100% where you would like to go, between the two of you, you decided that the new music store would be a good place for you two to go to after getting some coffee as you had pulled out an old vinyl record player that was your mothers and you needed some better music "Hey, Y-N you said you wanted some soft rock?" Shuhei asked as he walked over to you and showed you a vinyl that had a soft rock compilation on it which you were happy to buy as it had a bunch of your favourite bands on it. Walking to the counter you would put the couple of Vinyl on the counter for the worker to scan you would watch the price rise, though you were glad that they were on sale. Once finished you would pull your wallet out but before you could get your card out, you would feel Shuhei's hand on your shoulder as he handed the lady the cash and you would look up shocked " didn't...what I mean...why..." You were quite shocked that he paid for your stuff "Cause, I mean come on, I'm your boyfriends...and this is a gift for you" He muttered becoming a little nervous before turning away a bit as you take the bag of Vinyl's from you. Once done at the shop, you would leave back to your place and rock your afternoon away.

Kaname Tosen
Walking around with Kaname he would turn to you with a large smile on his face "Y-n! would you be interested in a date? It would be like courtship" Kaname offered at the idea he just had. "Sure? A date sounds good? I mean it may realize how..." You muttered feeling bad at how much love Kaname gave you however you were still indecisive "I believe common date idea's include tea! and sightseeing!" Kaname said as he started quickly walking ahead which made you follow him. You knew this Kaname was a Kaname only you got to see which made you a little happy that reminded you how precious you were. "Kaname...another date idea easier one, what about that book you were reading the other day? We can just sit in your bedroom and read? Or what about a spa day?" You offered as you didn't wanna go out knowing that there would be a massive issue because Aizen wasn't a huge fan of you, and you didn't wanna push an already rocky relationship. Agreeing to the idea of having a spa day the two of you would go back to his room and spend the next 5-6 hours just doing self care and even massaging each other.

Izuru Kira
Kira immediately bought up the idea of dates which made you giggle as he was so excited. "Oh what about cherry blossom viewing? They will be blooming soon and we can have a picnic! or we can go to a restaurant in the district o-" You would turn and kiss Kira to stop his rambling "Surprise me, Kira. I love you and I'm sure whatever you pick will make me happy" You said as you quickly left the surprised Kira alone so he can decide where to take you. After your long day as a Squad 12 member who was delegated to cleaning up the testing area you would be surprised when Kira was standing at your squad's entrance with a huge grin "Y-N! Quickly quickly!" Kira said grabbing your hand and pulling you into town before he took you to a quiet little ramen shop which surprised you but you were very happy as you were hungry. Sitting down next to Kira the two of you would order and as the lady took the order the two of you would start chatting about your days, mostly though it was you complaining about how TF your meant to be able to keep the testing area clean when there is always people coming in, not that Kira minded. after you finished your rant you would hear Kira snicker as you blushed a little "Y-You could have told me to shut up y-you know that Kira" You stuttered out as Kira reached out to hold your cheek "Ill never tell you to shut up my love...I wanna hear about it all, all the bad things, all the good things, all the...everything" Kira said as he smiled before the server sat the ramen down and you quickly started to dig in, as you were quite hungry and Kira also started to eat. Once the two of you finished Kira paid and the two of you went back to his room to rest as you were exhausted.

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