First time meeting with him Pt.2

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Kisuke Urahara
Walking through the portal to the Human world you would look around at how the world had changed since you were alive "wow, how the world has changed" You would mutter as you soon looked back to your captain Mayuri before standing up straight. You were apart of SRDI and Mayuri wanted to leave you with the previous captain because he knew you were smart but you had no confidence and Mayuri figured who else but the two confident Ex captains that he knew would happily take you in especially because "Oh yay! Is this the soul who will be staying with me? I must admit they are nice on the eyes" Mayuri knew because you were gentle on the eyes he could dump you on and because you were very oblivious to flirting you would just think he was been nice so as Mayuri quickly introduced you to Kisuke before he left not wanting to listen to your question bombard.

Shuhei Hisagi
walking down the street with your headphones in as you were walking alone because you didn't wanna hear anyone's sob story about how they needed help. stopping at the traffic lights you would look up and see the young boy who lived at the traffic lights after he got hit with a car a few months back and now days he just walked across back and forth when the light was green. As you looked to see if the light was green, your eyes would linger on the lights before you saw the soul waving at you, which made you smile because the boy always had a huge grin on when he saw you because you could see him, and he knew you could see him because the first time you had said hi to him. When the light turned green you would check both ways before starting to walk across when you went to look for the ghost a little confused because he had disappeared. Shrugging guessing his time was up you would get to the other side walk and went to walk down the street, before you heard a loud growl that was louder than your music and felt like it was nearby. When you took your headphone out and looked around, you would see it, What was it? You had no idea, but it was a black bodied creature with a hole in the stomach and a white mask with a creepy smile on its face seemed to be staring at you. Quickly putting your headphone in you took off running down the street and turned down a side street hoping it would help lose the creature however when you wound up in a dead end alleyway you would turn around only to see the creature's hand grabbing on the corner however before the creature could turn into the alleyway a scythe like blade would be thrown right into creatures as you heard a sickening noise of the creature dying as its hand disappeared. sighing in relief you would go to leave the alleyway when you saw a black haired male who was holding the same blood soaked blade you had seen kill the creature and when he realised you were actually looking at him not through him he would raise an eyebrow and mutters "Be careful creatures will hunt you if your not safe" before he walked off

Kaname Tosen
Stumbling into a random hut in Las Noches, you would kneel by the door and hold your sword ready to kill the Soul Reaper who had been chasing you. It was some random chick that had been on duty and even though she sucked with her sword, she was fast so she kept getting hits on you because you kept losing her. while you hid in the hut you would hear the reaper's heavy breathing right by the door before she took her final step as you stood up and ran your sword through her neck and once she was dead you would consume her soul and looked around as she had injuries all over her body that you hadnt given her "Huh so you are what the reaper was chasing" You would hear a voice ask and as you raised your sword to fight whomever it was you would look to the roof of the hut to see a tall Dark skinned male with some kind of goggles on his eyes "Yeah, she surprised attacked me...I can tell you where the Shinigami route is, they have gone off route so you should be careful" You explained as the man flash stepped in front of you which made you flinch backwards before you let a sigh out realising he wasnt hostile towards you "Your powerful...if you ever get tired of hunting come to the palace and ask for me, Kaname" He said before flash stepping away which made you look at the palace, a place you had heard non numbered Arrancar never left.

Izuru Kira
You would sit in the looming tree overlooking the large cemetery that sat on your families land which you and your twin had spent years playing in with the souls as children. Now days you would watch as the souls would wander and some would occasionally disappeared "Hey (Hair Colour)" You would look up towards the voice. As always the red haired male would walk out of the strange portal however this time he wasnt alone, next to him was a blonde haired male "Hey Reddy, who's your friend?" You would ask as Renji introduced you to Kira "Hi, uh is there a reason your up in that tree?" Kira would ask after the introductions before you shrugged "(Hair colour) Stays in that tree while their twin is away from the estate" As Renji explained he would subtle motion to your Chain of fate that connected you to your dead body that was hidden in the tree which made Kira frown as he felt awful that you were trapped in that tree

Isshin Kurosaki
As you got of the plane and looked around the airport before walking to grab your bags. You had just moved back to your hometown because your mother had gone into care of an old fling from high school who contacted you because he knew your mother was all you had left in your life "Y-N~!" You would hear your voice be called out from behind you and as you turned around you would be met face to face to Isshin your old school fling "Y-n! Oh you have grown up, how are you? How has your life been treating you?" Isshin asked as he hugged you as you hadn't seen him in about 20 or so years "Yeah its been about a decade or something, hey are these you and Masaki's kids?" As you asked you would wave at Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu who had followed him. "Yeah but...I dont think you heard, Masaki died about 10 years ago...." You would look at Isshin who quickly explained what had happened before he walked you over and introduced you to his kids who you would be staying with while your mother was sick until you had fully transferred everything from your old work place to Karakura town's clinic.

Ryuken Ishida
You had first met Ryuken 10 years ago when his wife fell pregnant and in turn ill, though she made you keep it from Ryuken. When she passed away you offered your condolences' to him but left after he screamed at you that it was your fault his wife had died, and you had made her impure. Now as you sit across from Ryuken he would look over your resume and sighed "Would you like me to leave while you think this over mis-" Before you could finish your question Ryuken would stand up making you go quite "...You have the perfect qualifications plus you clearly have grown in the last 10 years...just be careful about that bracelet you wear when you are on the floor, you may wanna make it a smaller charm as when your working with children they may try to grab them" Ryuken would explain as he motioned for you to follow him so he can give you a quick tour of the hospital so you can start in the next few days as the Nurse Unit Manager for the kids ward.

Szayelaporro Granz
You would flinch away from the random pink haired hollow that appeared in front of you. You had been a soul in the human world for a few weeks, but something attacked you a little while ago  and when it attacked your face, it created something that was now effecting you in this new world you had been dragged into.  you would look around at the world you had just appeared in before reaching up and feeling your face where there was now a mask like thing on it. "Dont worry my little subject, you dont need to be worried about anything. Y-" You would interrupt the random guy by taking off and ran through the desert plain you were in. as you ran and found a place to hide you would try to rip the mask off your face "Doing that will not benefit you, I saved you from death and all you have to do is stay with me. you know i dont give this honour out to anyone but you clearly have a brain in your head and you will be protected with me, from the monsters in the kimono's." You would look up to see the Pink haired male "Dont scream. just come with me, and ill show you how nice it is to be in power" The man said as you would slowly get up to follow him as you had no other choice and there was a monster on a dead bush thing that was eyeing you down though the pink haired stranger seemed to pay no mind to it.

Coyote Starrk
Staring at the brown haired male who was holding a child over his shoulder and clearly exhausted you would step back to double check you were in the right area "...Uh are you...mister Coyote Starrk and miss Lilynette?" You would ask as you double checked you were in fact at the place Aizen had assigned you to "Yes. I is he and this is Lilynette, you dont have to use such honorific's just Starrk and Lilynette will do." Starrk said as he sat Lilynette down "Are you the Fraccion that Aizen has assigned to us!!" Lilynette asked as she ran towards you and hugged you "Yes I am, why dont you show me around while we let Starrk rest a little before the meeting he has in an hour and a half. I dont want to get lost when we are going around having fun" you would convince Lilynette to come with you and gave Starrk an understanding smile while Lilynette starts going on about how she has all kinds of hiding area's

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