Confession Pt 2

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Kisuke Urahara
After he realised how he truly felt about you, Kisuke was more by your side, answering questions and even complimenting your idea's more passionately which even you noticed "...Hey Kisuke you've been strange lately" You said one day as Kisuke held the screwdriver you had handed back to him before you turned to him, the item you had been working on in your hand. You had an idea about how you could make a physical Spiritual Limiter that could be changed so that if needed a Captain or anyone else who used it could change the amount that was restricted "Have I? Sorry Y-N I never meant t-" Before he could finish his apology, you were face to face with him and you puffed your cheeks out "Is what miss Cat said true? Do you think I can not care for myself? Just cause I am a little clumsy does not mean I can not care for myself" You would try to defend yourself as you felt a little offended by what Yoruichi had said Kisuke thought about you "Haha! No way, are you kidding me your amazing and you can clearly take care of yourself, your clumsy because your brain is working on all these things you wanna help with you can't always pay attention to the world around you" Kisuke said before he looked at you and after a moment of silence he would continue "I...I am around you more often because....well because I like you...I like been around you, your smart and you look amazing and you are kind and your always trying to help everyone" He confessed as you would look at him for a moment or two before you turned bright red "Y-Y-YOU! You like me?" You questioned as all the kindness, the compliments, the Everything! started to click in your head "Yes...I do Y-N...your amazing and I love you...but I understand if you dislike me and you don't want to date me, I would never want to pressure you" he promised you before you shrugged and slowly cleared your throat muttering slowly " unsure if I love you as well but...but I do know that I like you and your sweet" You admitted as Kisuke leant forward "Then...would you be willing to be more then don't ever have to say that you love me I know I am quick to say that stuff but-" You would cut Kisuke off by leaning forward and kissed his lips "Yes...I you but just be patient" You muttered as Kisuke smiled and kissed your cheek

Shuhei Hisagi
It was a few weeks after you lost your sister when you saw him again. He had come to check in on you after your sister's left you as he recalled your sibling saying how they did not want to leave you alone. Knocking on your front door in a Gigai, Shuhei would wait for you to answer the door and when he did he looked up at you in silence for a few seconds taken aback by how you looked before he spoke "Hey, Y-N right?" He would ask as you gave a small nod, you had just gotten back from school so you were in a loose T-shirt and some jeans as you were about to go shopping "Yes I am, you look familiar..." You muttered before he cleared his throat and spoke "Shuhei...I-I was the one who sent your sibling away. She is doing amazing, Kira...the uh blond one who was with us, he is helping her become a Shinigami like we are. Uh, I was just coming to check on you...your sister said she was leaving you alone and I wanted to make sure know, you were doing ok. I know that been left alone is hard" he would give you a quick explanation before you moved out of the way allowing him to come in and you closed your door "Yeah...yeah I remember you, I'm glad to hear they are ok though I must didn't just come here to tell me my sibling is ok right?" You questioned as he sighed and walked over to the lounge room. Walking with him you would sit down and he would look up at you a little confused at how you were able to figure himself out "'re quick...I uh...haha your sibling adores telling stories about you all the had a childhood pet, your allergic to most flora's in the world...and...your kind, sweet, clearly smart," Shuhei would slowly confess before he cleared his throat "And...I wanted you wanna haha well what  I mean" As he started to get nervous you would quickly pick up on what he was asking "You met me twice, took out a monster with ease and your nervous about asking me to date" You questioned as he sighed and leant back on the seat "....hmm yeah.." He said with a sigh and left the two of you in silence as you thought "Well I mean...yeah we can try to date but you have to understand that we are CLEARLY living in two different world" You commented as Shuhei let a relieved chuckle out. 

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