Ch 13

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I'm babysitting my buddy Everett's son. Ever has been my friend since back in high school and we rode the rodeo circuit together 'til he joined the army a few years back. He'd always fit that all-American boy stereotype, quarterback, married the head cheerleader, and joined the army. He was living the American Dream, 'til his wife left him and their son Jax to peruse her "modeling" career. Since then it's been tough for Ever. He works nights a lot, so that means he's always looking for someone to watch Jax.

I try and help when I can, mostly I watch the kid for an hour or two, but tonight he asked me to watch the little guy all afternoon and evening. He dropped the little guy off at noon. I was fine for the first few hours, made it through nap time, but not its rounding 7:00pm and I'm starting to lose it. I hear the door open, and I'm relieved. I need Lynn's help. I'm not being sexist, at this point I just need help; man, woman, hell I'd let Bear help if I hadn't banished him to the barn for stealing Jax's binky several times. I swear, when I finished changing Jax's diaper and turned to see the big lab with a binky in his mouth I lost it, but that's not sanitary for the baby. So sorry, Bear.

"Kip!" Lynn yells from the living room.

"Hey," I say, coming out of the kitchen with a cloth over my shoulder and a bottle in my hand. I can tell she's confused, so I decide to play with her.

"Who's this?" She asks, watching me pick Jax up to feed him.

"This is Jax,"

"And whose kid is he?

"Mine," I say, trying to keep a straight face. I watch as her eyebrows scrunch together, and her little lips part tryin' to comprehend what I just said. She's standing there lookin' all kinds of confused and I lose it. Laughing so hard, I have to put Jax down so I could breathe.

"That ain't funny, Kip!" Lynn scolds me. I notice she gets her twang back when she's pissed off. This makes me laugh more.

"I'm serious!" She protests, "who's baby is that?"

"My buddies," I say, swallowing my laughter, "I'm just babysittin' the kid."

She glares at me, and is about to say something when Jax starts crying. Lynn takes the bottle still in my hand, picks up the crying infant, and resumes feeding him. I wanna tell her she doesn't have to, but I'm exhausted, and I think she can see that. She moves to the couch, Jax looking up at her, one of his little hands tangled up in her hair. I watch Lynn look down at the little boy, rocking him slightly as he gulps greedily at the formula. She strokes the fuzz of his hair and starts humming. I find myself watching her, so I busy myself with packing up Jax's stuff, Everett should be here soon.

I put Jax's bags by the door just as Lynn stands from the couch, a now sleeping Jax clinging to her shirt.

"Help me get him in his car seat?" I whisper.

Lynn somehow gets Jax in the seat and strapped up without waking him.

Thank you, I mouth when she finishes. She smiles at me, and motions for the kitchen. I fallow her, falling into one of the kitchen chairs, exhausted.

"Coffee?" Lynn asks, her voice still soft.

"Please!" I groan, letting my head fall to the table. I listen as Lynn makes coffee, willing myself to stay awake. The thought of having to get out of this chair at all makes me want to scream. I lift my head when Bear scratches at the back door, I make a move to let him in, but Lynn beats me to it.

"Thank you."

"For opening the door?" she looks at me confused.

"No," I laugh, "Well, yes. But not just that. Thank you for helping me with Jax, and making coffee... And letting the dog in." Lynn laughs and sets a steaming cup of coffee on the table in front of me.

"It's not a big deal really," she smiles, taking a sip from her own cup.

"So, how was your date?" I ask, watching the smile creep across her lips gives me my answer.

"It was_" she trails off, distracted by the headlights shining through the kitchen window.

"That should be Everett." I jump up, quickly taking another sip from my mug.

I open the door, just as Ever, still in uniform, is walking up the front steps.

"Sick of the kid already?" he laughs, hugging me when he gets to the door.

"Yes," I say simply, "Without a doubt."

Ever pats my back and walks past me into the house. He kneels in front of his son and gently runs a finger over his cheek. "Gotta say, I'm surprised." He laughs.

I'm about to say some choice words to my best friend when Lynn walks into the room. "Oh, Ever this is_"

"Lynn," Ever says, a smile spreading across his face.

"It's good to see you again, Everett." The hug quickly and I laugh.

"I forgot y'all know each other."

"It's a small town, Kip." Ever laughs, "So, how have you been, Lynn."

"Good, well other than daddy."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"Its ok, he's strong" she smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes, "Im sorry to hear about Leia."

Ever waves off her apology, "I knew she was gone before Jax was even born," he says, acting tough but I know he still loves her. "I should get this little guy home."

He picks up the car seat and I grab a couple of the bags, and fallow him to the car. I wait as he straps the car seat into the back seat of his truck.

"So, how is it having Lynn back," Ever asks, not looking up from his task.

"Don't go there." I yawn and lean back against the side of the truck.

"What?" he asks, feigning innocents. "I was just wondering."

We laugh as we walk back into the house. I hand him the last bag, and the now folded up play pen, "is that it?" I ask, looking around confident I got everything.

"I think so..." He says, glancing around the room as well. His eyes stop when he sees Bear, "That, You can keep."

Confused, I glance down and see Bear looking up at us, a red binky in his mouth. "Bear!"

Bear runs off to the kitchen and a second later I hear Lynn erupt into hysterical laughter, followed by what I assume is a camera shutter.

I roll my eyes, and walk Ever to the car, watching as he drives down the drive before going back inside, locking the door behind me. Lynn is now sitting on the couch, TV on, Bear at her feet. Thankfully the binky is nowhere to be seen. I plop down next to her, my head landing half on her lap, her hand goes to my head and she starts lazily stroking my hair, putting me to sleep. This, is normal. Lynn has always played with my hair, claiming to be jealous that it was so soft. I close my eyes and drift off to the sound of some crazy reality show.

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