Real Ch 20

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Ok so I know it has been a LONG time and this Chapter is short, BUT that is because I have been trying to write the next chapter and nothing fit right. This really should be Ch 19 and Ch 19 should be Ch 20 but what ever. Here it is. and this time I really will post the next chapter soon. I am writing it while in class now :D


I storm into the house and slam the door. Bear is sleeping on the sofa and jumps up to see me as soon as I walk in. I sink to the floor, a mess of tears and emotions, and just let the puppy kisses take away the pain. I hear a truck burn out down the drive. It must be colt. I get up and go to the kitchen and feed Bear, who happily Inhales half of it in 3 bites. I'm about to go upstairs when someone knocks on the door. That's weird. Why would kip knock? I mean I know I'm mad but come on. I go to the door, prepared to give kip a piece of my mind. I wasn't prepared for Colt to be standing on my door.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave," I say, collecting myself after a moment of surprise.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok," he says, making a move to come in, but I block him.

"I'm fine, now leave."

"Lynn," he tries to reach for my arm but I pull it away. "Fine, I'll call you tomorrow when you've calmed down." He turns to leave.

"No, don't call,"

"Excuse me?" He sounds confused, and I don't blame him.

"You heard me. Don't call."

"Lynn, what's gotten into you?" He asks, taking a step towards me, "I thought we had fun the other night. Did I do something?"

I should let him go, I should shut up and just close the door. I don't owe him anything. So why do I feel guilty?

"I kissed kip tonight. More than once. And if you hadn't been here when we got home we might have done more."

Shut up, Lynn. Shut up.

"Wait. You cheated on me?"

"No," I say, "to have cheated on you, we would have had to have been in a relationship."

He blinks at me, "Lynn. We've been on several dates, we had fun. I thought we were on the same page."

"I liked you," at least I think I did, "but there was something missing. You can't say you felt a spark between us."

"Yes, I can." He shouts, "I was serious about you. I thought you were gonna be serious about me too."

"If you were serious about us, you would have asked me out!" I shout back.

"You never gave me the chance! You were always busy." He retorts, "Now I know why."

"Don't you even go there," I'm about to defend myself but I stop, there's no reason to. "You need to leave."

"Fine," he spits, "Whatever." He turns to leave but stops, "Just so you know, you weren't the only one getting some on the side. I fucked Lizzy."

"Lizzy?" I ask, should I know who that was?

"The bartender from the club," he asks, pissed I don't remember her. "Whatever, ask your boyfriend. He and Lizzy are really good friends."

With that he finally leaves, and I can breathe, but only for a second. Was Kip seeing someone?

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