Ch 19

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~~~Hey y'all! Sorry if this chapters a little rough, I lost my edited version but I've already made y'all wait too long already so (sorry!!!) Also you may have noticed the name change, and I'm sorry but I'm going to be one of those people. (Just this once I promise!!!) If y'all like the story, please like it, or comment, tell your friends! Lol I really do love hearing from y'all and it motivates me to write more chapters. So, please show Kip and Lynn some love! And Bear, who could forget Bear! Lol I'm done now. I'll try and update soon!~~~


"Say hi to Uncle Kipling!"

I open my eyes and am greeted by two sticky baby hands pulling at the scruff on my face.

Ever drops Jax onto my chest and goes into the kitchen. I sleepily let Jax pull on my face, entertainin' himself until one of his little fingers finds its way into my nose. I then start a half-hearted game of peek-a-boo, his giggles and shrieks of joy makin' me smile, until the smell of coffee drifts from the kitchen, bringing to life the pounding headache left over from last night.

I slip Jax into his high chair, and Ever slides a mug across the table.

"You know your old when a couple of beers leaves you hung over the next mornin'" I say, taking a large gulp.

"Don't know if it's the beer, or the fact that you fought with your girl and drove an hour to me at 2 am." Ever says, placin' a bowl of dry Cheerios in front of Jax.

"She's not my girl," I say downing half the cup, trying to drown the anger risin' up.

"Yeah, but we both know you want her to be." He walks into the laundry room, pulling the ironing board from the wall.

"Yea well, she is currently dating that jack ass vet next door."

"I thought you liked Colt?" he calls, over the over a hiss of steam from the iron.

He was right. I did like Colt. We weren't like best friends or nothin, but we were cool. Now I can't stand the guy

"That was before." I say mostly to myself. Half hoping he doesn't hear; he does?

"Before you both had eyes for the same gal," he pokes his head into the room, just long enough to give me a cocky grin.

I don't know how to respond, and luckily Jax provides me with a distraction by sending his bowl of cereal crashing to the floor. I silently thank the kid. I sweep up the last cheerio when Ever walks into the room, now dressed in full ACU's.

"I got orders last week," he says, smoothing out his sons hair

"Yeah?" I ask, putting the broom back.

"Fort Hunter Liggett, California." He says, without me asking.

"Seriously? You got to move across the country?"

"They were gonna do Japan, but seeing as I have an infant they let me stay state side."

I look down at my almost empty cup. After basic, ever was lucky to get stationed close to home while he served his first 4 years and finished schooling. Now that he's commissioned he knew they were gonna be sending him new orders. I knew he wanted to leave.

"You ok with it?" I ask.

"I have no choice."

"You know what I mean."

"I hate it here, Kip." He says, surprising me, "first my momma died, then Leia. There are too many memories here, it hurts walking past that church every day. Kip, she said she'd love me forever and then she just left. I need to leave, man. There's nothing for me here anymore, besides, my aunt lives out near there. She's excited to meet Jax. She's the only family I have left."

"Hey, I'm your family, man." I tell him, "We may not be blood, but you aren't getting rid of me that easily"

"You're the closest thing I have to a brother, but it's not that simple..."

"I get what you mean," I did, Mr. Feller and Lynn treated me like family, but I still missed my true kin. My mom and dad moved after I graduated, havin' no reason to stay here anymore. "I'm gonna miss your ugly ass."

Ever throws a rag at me and I dodge it laughing.


I walk into Mr. Feller's room and catch him wrist deep in a bag of pork rinds. He glares at me, the kind of glare I got from girls dads a lot in high school.

"You tell Lynn about this and your fired." He says, eyes narrowed.

"Tell her what?" I ask, opening my jacket revealing the pork rinds I smuggled into him, "Guess you don't need these?"

Mr. Feller laughs and catches the bag I toss at him. I sit at the chair by his bed and give him the once over. He's skinny, lost some of the muscle he normally has. He doesn't look bad, not for a man his age, but compared to how he looked a couple months back, he looked wasted away.

"I'm not surprised you found yourself a mule," I joke, trying to keep it normal, "I knew you couldn't go long without some of those bad boys. So, you bribing the janitor?"

"No, I am not!" he lets out a booming laugh, coughing a little, "A nurse gave them to me, so they can't be too bad for me."

"Oh, you found yourself a little filly huh?" I joke, laughing when his face turn red.

"I know what you're thinking, I didn't ask her," he defends, "I just told her how much I liked them."

I laugh and pat his back, "You still have game Mr. Feller,"

I stayed for a while, talking about the property, the horses, sports. We end up turning on the TV and watching baseball. After the game, I get up to leave and he stops me.

"Son, I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of Lynn. Knowing you're there with her; you're the only man I trust alone with my daughter."

"Sir..." I start, but he stops me again.

"Kip you're a bright, trusting young man. Any father would be lucky to have you with their daughter."

"Sir," I say, cautiously, "Lynn and I aren't dating."

"Son, I've known you two have had feelings for each other since she was 17 years old."


"Don't interrupt me," he scolds, stopping me. "Maybe you didn't see it, but I did. I'm not saying y'all were in love, but you both cared for each other. I'm just glad y'all waited till now to do anything about it."

"Sir, I care about Lynn, but I don't think anything_"

"Excuse me?" a nurse pokes her head into the room. "We have to do some blood work."

I glance at Mr. Feller and see him smiling. This must be the nurse.

"I'll come back another day, sir. " I tell him, backing out of the room. He smiles and waves me off.

Hey, Hope you like it. Like I said I'll update with the edited chapter soon. I'll also write a new chapter soon (I hope). Remember to Like and Vote.

Also I'm thinking about having my next book be about Everett and Jax's move to California. Let me know if y'all like his story enough lol

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