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Alright. So this is my own au, and in this chapter I will put it's story. The whole book is in a timeline that follows. So each chapters are one after the other, they follow each others.
Silver was found by Nightmare in a dandelion field, where flower was yelling at her. He then had enough of it and Killer the flower. Nightmare had fallen for this human but he didn't let any of it show. He offered her a mask he and Dream made to protect her, but the mask's magic got to her and her ears turned to wolf eats and she grew a tail. From then on she would often hang out with the brothers, until one day Nightmare ate one of the black apples, but it allowed something horrible to happen to him.. black goop covered him and he ended up trapped in his own head, as Corrupted took control over his body. He became king, forced Dust Killer Horror and Cross to work for him. Silver staid by his side no matter what tho, and she never let that thing keep her from him. She started training and only a year later her and Dream were ready to free Nightmare from this curse. Their battle lasted long, it was exhausting and they had a tought time keeping him off, but after hours, the evening was passed and it was now night. Corrupted had been weakened enough the Dream could feel his brother's positivity and shot one last final arrow, but this one was different. It was made of pure positivity. It hit the goopy thing right in the ribcage and into the core, killing Corrupted forever. Nightmare gained back control of his body, but that final blow had taken all of Dream's energy putting him into coma for a full month..

Nightmare knew how much the boys had gone through, how much they were misunderstood, and he offered them to stay at the castle, which all four gladly took the opportunity, and now they live like a big family. Horror and Cross act as older brothers, Dust the middle one and Killer is the most childish. Nightmare acts as a father and Dream who now lives with his brother acts as a kind of uncle.

At this point it had been 10 years since Silver had came into his life, and Nightmare finally confessed. She also did as she had loved him since she's 15 (she came in she was 10, and now shes 20). They both became very close and nightmare made her queen.

A week later, Dream confessed to Cross, who also happened to like him. They now have a child named Lux, who was born from their love, as Dream, a energy being, can have a child from loving someone very much, but only if that someone loves him back as much. (Complicated energy being stuff, long story short, both dream and cross are still virgin)

Ink and Error got married, creating a truce between everyone to keep the balance.
Dream must make sure the positivity is at max in pacifist timelines and Nightmare make sure the negativity is at max in genocide timelines, while they leave their opposite alone. Nightmare's gang is allowed to cause chaos in one au a day, an a max of three au a week, a max of 9 aus a month. And Ink's creation is limited to repairing the damages. This way the balance is kept between negativity and positivity aswell as destruction and creation.

Now Ink and Error live together and have a daughter named PaperJam.

Silver and Nightmare live together in his hidden castle with Dust Horror Killer Cross and Dream.
This book will be happening after all these main events, and we're following the gang's adventures. In this Nightmare is still goopy but got control over his body again and Error got over haphephobia with Ink's help.
Characters are not mine, except Silver.
If you want me to clarify something, ask it in the comments!
I will be doing a Q and A if there is too many questions.

See ya in the next one my lovely readers!

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