Chapter 13: "I Need to do This"

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"I Need to do This"

    They all walked inside the boat where sandy had went to wait for them. He showed them to a guest room with a few twin sized beds were spread out. There were three at the back wall lined up next to each other with space inbetween. Mk walked over to the middle one, jumping on it ready to sleep. Mei raced to the one on his left as red son took the one on his right. Sandy asked them if they had enough blankets and all they need, when thy reassured him they did he left. Mei laid down crashing at the moment her head hit the pillow. Mk called out mei, but was given no response being asleep. He then turned to red son who was fixing his pillow. Redson turned back around without noticing mks stare. He grabbed at his hair band pulling it out and letting his hair down. It bounced a bit once it fell down. He turned his head finally seeing mk whose eyes were wide with amazement. A confused look grows on reds face seeing Mk.

Red: What Noodle boy?
Mk: O-Oh sorry * he scratched the back of his neck* I just haven't seen you with your hair down till now.
Red: Really?
Mk: yah you always have it up in some way. You don't even take it out to sleep!
Red: I-I guess I just don't like it down.
Mk: really?! Why?
Red: well, I mean, I DO like it, just my mother didn't. She said it makes me look ratsy and unkept. Like a peasant instead of a prince.
Mk: What! She's SO wrong. Your hair looks stunning, and so soft-OMG can I brush your hair?! Mei doesn't trust me to brush hers so PLS!?
Red: I-UH fine. Just not for too long. It's getting late.
Mk: Thank you!!

    MK got up from his bed and ran over to a vanity that was in the room and took out a brush that Mei must have left here. He then made his way over to redson and climbed onto his bed. Red turned around and mk sat behind him. He was amazed at his hair. It was so puffy and wavy. It had some yellow streaks around. He soon noticed that he had just been there sitting behind him doing and saying nothing. He then started to run the brush through redsons hair which wasn't very tangled. It stayed silent as he brushed. He noticed that with every other brush stroke small flames would spark. Mk laughed a bit guessing red son was embarrassed, which he was. Red had one hand covering his bright red face. He couldn't move, but just sat there flustered trying his best to stop his hair from bursting into flames. He felt his heart stop and skip as mk ran his hand through his hair. He could feel his whole body heat up right to the tip of his ears. All the way to his hair which caught fire the second mk started to play with his hair. He shout around quickly hearing a wince leave Mks mouth. He panicked seeing Mk grasp his own hand.

Red: I-I am so sorry! Did I burn you? Let me see!* he took mk by the wrist to examine his hand*
Mk: It's fine red! It's just a small burn, the pains already gone.
Red: It's not fine, come on!

    Redson pulled Mk up and out of bed and ran him out of the room into the bathroom Sandy showed him earlier. He sat mk on a stool and began to rummage through the closet. There has to be something for burns somewhere! He searched, eventually finding a tube labeled for burns. He put his hand out asking for his hand. Mk gave it to him and he put the medicine on lightly not wanting to hurt him further. After he put a bandage over it.

Red: There! That should do it.
Mk: thanks red
Red: don't thank me, I'm the one who burned you?
Mk: yeah but you didn't mean to and you helped fix it. So thank you!
Red: it's....No problem then.


Mk: So, did you get a chance to talk with sandy? It's fine if you didnt and dont want to i'm just a-
Red: I um did actually and you were right. It did help, a lot more than I was expecting.
Mk: How so?!
Red: W-Well I guess I never really was able to talk about feelings or my problems back home. I'd be punished for feeling such things. But talking to Sandy now and to you weeks ago was a nice change.
Mk: I'm really happy to hear that red, and I'll always be here for you. No matter what

    Redson smiled, feeling a sense of security from MK's words. He blushed knowing Mk really cared for him.

Mk:So what did you and Sandy talk about? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to of course but I just want to Know.
Red: well I told him about my parents mostly, which he had similar thoughts to yours. He suggested I confront them. And tell them how I've changed. And tell them how POOR they've treated me! It's so unfair!
Mk: You should! They have absolutely no right to treat you the way they did. If I were you I'd storm others there now and put them in their place!
Red: Yeah! They had no reason to. I'm not just some tool. I'm a person.
Mk: an amazing person!

    Mk and Red continued to make short statements about how awful Red son's parents are with each one becoming sillier. They too soon broke into laughter together. They had to quiet themselves hearing mei move in her sleep. The two looked back at each other stifling their laughs. Mk continued to laugh quietly not just from the comments but seeing red so giddy. He loved seeing red like this, it warmed his heart so much.

Red: Shh you'll wake her up noodle boy. Huh anyways we should go to sleep now.
Mk: alright let's go.

    Mk and red walked back to the room. Mk literally almost walked with red to sleep next to him  by habit. He cougyht himself tho and they got  into their own beds. They said their goodnights to one another, but as mk fell asleep quickly, redson stayed awake. He couldn't shake the idea of confronting his parents. Like right now. It wasn't too late and he knew they wouldn't be asleep as they stay up most saturday nights to bring different shows. Even mk said he would storm over now. What harm could be caused? He would go over there, tell them what's on his mind and get out. Simple. So he thought. He sat up and looked around the room. He called out quietly and was given no response. He got up and stepped out of bed slowly putting his foot on the floor. He stepped down fully and tiptoed through and out the room. He moved through the halls swiftly until he was out on the bought deck. He paused and staring out into the ocean. The moon beamed down onto it. He needed to do this and they needed to hear this. They deserve to know how wrong they were to treat him that way. He took a big breath before He transformed himself into a ball of fire and teleported as far as he could. He stayed in his fire ball state and moved fast gliding to his home. The only emotion he could feel was angry the closer he got. Soon grass was replaced by rocks and pools of lava. The temperature rising but having no effect, redsons temp surpassed it, as he fumed in anger. Why shouldn't he be doing this? They hurt him. They broke him. All his cuts and scars that liture his body were there doing. Except for some on his arms but still it was their fault he even did that to himself. It's their fault! Not his! He was right. That's all! He stopped transforming back into his normal state. The front door was now in front of him. He looked up at the large entrance feeling some confidence wither away. He took in a large breath and released it while opening the door. Stepping into the demon bull familys lare.

Hi :] sorry i haven't updated for a while. I was on vacation. This maybe be short but the next part is gonna have a lot so I need to split it up.

1452 words

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