Kites in the Sky

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There was nothing quite like spring in Central Park. The trees were just starting to come back and the flowers were blooming.

Those were the best days.

The breeze wasn't too strong.

The tourists weren't overbearing.

The playground was the best spot in the park in the opinions of Axton and Paislee. But today they would forgo the playground for the large open green field.

Axton had gotten a kite as an Easter present from his Auntie Izzy and for the last week it had been sitting by the front door, waiting to be unpacked, dying to be flown.

A free Saturday morning was finally found though, and the family set out to the park, walking part of the way (taking the subway the other half) instead of taking the cab. It added to the experience.

As a general rule, Paislee was allowed to pick her own outfits. Today it was her yellow rainboots with the white polka dots, navy blue romper with white bow, and she had convinced Magnus into pulling her frizzy brown hair into pigtails. The yellow hair bows were of his own addition.

When they walked, she always walked in between Magnus and Alec, holding onto whatever fingers she could wrap her tiny fists around. She tended to skip and jump as she walked.

Axton walked in front of them, exploring the world around him with the energy instilled in every little boy.

Magnus usually dressed Axton. He was hopeless (similar to Alec) otherwise.

Today, Axton held the kite close to his chest as he ran ahead. Every once in awhile, he'd go too far and Alec would shout for him to come back. And he did, his black curls bouncing with him.

Magnus had spent more time than he cared to admit researching how to fly a kite. Today was the weather was just perfect for flying a kite. Magnus made sure. He was not about the let Axton down.

Alec, on the other hand, was looking forward to watching Magnus try. A secret bet had been made, one the kids didn't know about.

$20 (and something else later that night) if Magnus failed.

They were at the park by noon.

Alec took Paislee over to the playground as Magnus and Axton put the kite together.

Paislee only liked the swings. She also liked being quiet. She didn't speak much but she had the most expressive faces. You could also tell her moods by her choice of clothes.

Today, Alec guessed she was feeling conservative, a little pensive.

Paislee was a Shadowhunter, born at the Cairo Institute. Her parents died in a raid on a vampire nest and despite the Clave's reluctance to give her up to a gay couple, they did get her in the end and Paislee arrived at the young age of two in New York City. She was three and a half now.

Alec pushed Paislee on the swing. He enjoyed the silence too.

They both watched the other children. The more normal children. The children who didn't know about demons. The children whose parents couldn't summon those demons or kill them.

Paislee didn't envy them though. The only jealousy she knew was directed towards Axton and that emotion was wasted over toys; not normalcy.

Back in the clearing, Magnus and Axton had successfully put the kite together.

Axton was shaking with excitement.

"I'm so happy," he said, running circles around Magnus.

It made Magnus smile— his energy.

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