Chapter 3

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Alastor hummed as he waved goodbye to his mother exiting his house. It was 6:15 but by the time he got there it would be 6:45ish. Alastor continued to hum as he made his way to the trolley. He waited until the trolley came and he got on smiling as he sat.

Anthony grinned as he made sure his hair looked good, so he decided to cut it out of boredom. Only if he could make it pink...he thought. He shook his head and looked at the time 6:39, he might as well walk down and wait outside. He walked down to the lobby and gave the lady at the desk a smile making her blush. Anthony went outside and lit a gasper. He breathed out the cigarette smoke, he watched it raise up in the air. Alastor smiled as he saw the man. He walked up to him and smiled "are you ready?" He asked, Anthony looked over to see Alastor.

Anthony smiled "of course, let's get going smiles. Lead the way!" Alastor nodded and started to walk Anthony right next to him. After a while they got to an alleyway. Alastor knocked on the door and they were let in.

Alastor smiled "I'll get us drinks, go ahead and find a table". Anthony nodded happily and went to find a table. Alastor went up to the bar to order drinks, one for him and one for Anthony. A lady walked up to Alastor.

"And what are you doing here Alastor?" She asked, Alastor turned and gave her a smile.

"Rosie! What a pleasure to see you. I'm out with a friend" he looked at Anthony, Rosie following where he was looking.

"You usually go for woman" she mumbled quietly

Alastor smiled more "there's something about him, I'll explain more in my next visit, but I must get going. Don't want to keep him waiting, good day my dear". He grabbed the drinks and walked over to Anthony. He placed Anthony's drink in front of him.  Anthony smiled "Thanks smiles" Anthony hummed while taking a sip of the drink. He looked around the room nervously, shit shit shit Anthony thought, this wasn't a date, why was he so nervous? Alastor sat across from him sipping his drink, he noticed Anthony's strange behavior.

"Everything alright?" he asked, putting down his drink. Anthony cleared his throat and smiled.

"What makes ya ask that?" he questioned, putting his drink on the table as he adjusted nervously fidgeting with his sleeve.

Alastor let out a small laugh "Dear, your fidgeting" his voice low. Anthony's smile dropped as he avoided eye contact.

"It's nothing to worry about" he waved his hand in dismissal. God, only if he wasn't male...fuck it. "What made you bring me out for a drink?" he hummed, his head leaning on his hand as he grinned at Alastor.

    Alastor smiled "it's the least I can do after making you fall"

Anthony smiled "Not your fault I fell for you" He bit his lip; the alcohol was already making him say stupid shit.

Alastor laughed at the pun "Well I would hope not or else I would have to bring you to the hospital!" he smiled as he finished off his drink

Anthony laughed ignoring the sharp pain of the comment. After a few drinks, well more than a few, they left the bar and headed down an alleyway. Anthony was laughing at Alastor's bad dad jokes. Anthony was pretty tipsy, while Alastor only had 3 beers. "How about I escort you back to your hotel?" Alastor asked, seeing what state Anthony was in.

Anthony shook his head "I can get there" he hummed as he threw the remains of his, now burnt out, cigarette.

Alastor sighed, his smile still on his face like always "I insist, don't want you getting mugged now do we?" he laughed, oh how easy it would be just to...stab him here and now...

Anthony waved a hand dismissing him "Would love to see someone try". Alastor's face twitched, 'how cocky ", Alastor thought.

"Well, either way, I'm walking with you. At least until the hotel is in sight" Alastor hummed

"Jeez smiles, thought that wasn't a date" he teased "walking me back and all"

Alastor rolled his eyes "You should rest once you get inside" he said ignoring Anthony's attempts at flirting.

Anthony gave Alastor a stupid grin "Fineeee". The hotel was in view, so Anthony waved Alastor goodbye.

"Goodnight, dear, come by the radio station tomorrow at 1 pm" he hummed as he left.

Anthony didn't question why he just shouted back. "See ya then!"  he got inside and headed upstairs to his room, to everyone he passed he seemed perfectly fine. How he was good at faking. He got into his room and changed. He didn't bother showing he just laid in bed and passed out thinking of Alastor.

Alastor got home with Anthony on his mind. Something about Anthony was intoxicating, maybe it was his laugh. Or his smile. For some reason something stopped him from killing Anthony right then and there...He needed to see Rosie. He walked upstairs, he changed his clothes from that evening and headed back out the door and off to Rosie's place. After about a 7-minute walk he was at her place. He knocked on the door and waited. Rosie, who left the bar soon after seeing Alastor, opened the door. "Everything alright dear?" she asked looking at the clock, it was quite late, it was already near 1 am.

"May I come inside and chat?" he asked, ignoring her question. Rosie nodded and opened the door more to allow Alastor to enter. He removed his shoes and headed to the longue sitting on a chair.

"Spill it" she said sitting across from him

"I have a question for you" he stated, Rosie raised her eyebrow wanting him to continue. "The boy I was with tonight, there is something about him. I don't know why but he's different..." he shook his head.

"What's different about him, sugar?" she asked, crossing her leg over the other leg.

"He's fascinating. I didn't feel the urge to kill him instead... I walked him back to the hotel..." he mumbled lost in thought "What do you think Rosie?" he sighed

"Well Cher...I have a question. Is there any woman you fancy?" she asked watching Alastor's reactions

Alastor shook his head annoyed, "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked annoyed "the answer is the same as always, Rosie, no." he sighed.

Rosie looked at Alastor, "Well, I think you should just allow things to play out. What's the worst that can happen?" she smiled standing up "Tea, Cher?"

Alastor put his head in his hands "oui s'il vous plaît...", Rosie nodded as she made her way into the kitchen. He lifted his head, the worst that could happen...a waste of time maybe? He sighed, Rosie walked back into the room and handed him the tea. He took it "Merci" he mumbled as he took a sip, soon draining the cup and putting it down. "I do apologize for keeping you up so late" he said, he felt much better.

"It's quite not a problem, although you should get home before your mother or she will kill us both!" she teased, walking Alastor to the door.

Alastor gave her a warm smile as he put on his shoes, "She would!" he laughed "I shall see you sometime soon, sleep well dear" he hummed as he left for his house. He soon got home, taking off his shoes at the door of course, and headed upstairs to his room. He got ready for bed and got in, hearing the door open, 'good timing' he thought as he turned the lamp off and turned over to sleep.

Words: 1,315

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