Chapter 4

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Anthony woke up later then he normally would, he groaned as he sat up. His head was slightly pounding from the night before. He looked at the clock, it was already 9:35 am. He went into the bathroom and took a shower thinking of the night beforehand. Most of it was a blur due to the alcohol, oh how he hoped he didn't say something too stupid. He shook his head and got out of the shower, he shaved and got dressed. By the time he was done it was around 10:30. He walked over to the desk that had the unfinished letter on it. He sat down finishing the drafted letter and starting on the final. Anthony paced the room, running his hands through his hair as he sighed in frustration. What if he didn't have enough information in the letter? Would his dad get mad? Would he send someone to do the job? He dropped his hands to his side and slid down the wall. He put his head on his knees and sighed in defeat. After about 7 minutes he got up and finished the letter, he didn't have a choice but to send it. He looked at the time, it was already 12:30, he decided to drop the letter off on his way to meet Alastor.

"That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!" Alastor exclaimed "Now...stay tuned" he ended the radio show and looked at his watch, 13:04. Alastor headed outside the building to see Anthony leaning against the alleyway wall, "Glad you could make it!" His smile was irresistible.

Anthony put out his cigarette "What do ya have planned for today?" he asked, standing up straight.

Alastor watched Anthony stretch, he nervously gulped "We are going over to take a trolley over to Carrollton! There is a nice restaurant near there that I think you would love!"

Anthony grinned "You sure you're not trying to take me on a date? Gonna walk me home again?" he teasingly whispered to Alastor as they exited the alleyway.

Alastor's chuckled "My my what a thought, you seem almost wishful" he teased back

Anthony's face flushed "I- I wha what the- did you just..." he sighed in defeat resulting in Alastor laughing. Alastor couldn't help but stare at Anthony, there was something that made him want to be close. Anthony didn't notice him staring, he was too busy pouting at the defeat. They got on the trolley and made small talk on the way to the restaurant. Once they got off the trolley they started to walk, "Why did you have to pick a restaurant so far away" Anthony complained.

Alastor let out a small chuckle, "I promise you will love the place", Anthony rolled his eyes and mumbled a small 'I better'. They walked for about 15 minutes before arriving at a fancy restaurant. Alastor walked in first, Anthony behind him. They were seated not long after arriving due to a canceled reservation.

"I must say, smiles, your restaurant picking isn't as bad as I thought" Anthony said watching the waitress walk away

"What is that suppose to mean" Alastor questioned

"I mean..." a grin appeared on Anthonys face

"Just say you like the place" Alastor returned the grin

"I'm good" he winked, then proceeded to pick up the menu.

Alastor let out a small laugh and picked up his menu. After a little bit they ordered their food. "I wish the alcohol ban would just go away" Anthony mumbled

Alastor nodded "It is quite a stupid law; it won't stop people from drinking"

"It will only create unsafe ways to get alcohol" he sighed, ways like the mafia.

Alastor agreed with Anthony's statement. After a little bit the food was served. They ate and talked and eventually Anthony fell into Alastor's trap...a dad joke trap. Anthony groaned "What are you? An old man" he shook his head whilst Alastor laughed.

"You must agree it was a good joke" Alastor hummed

"Quite the opposite"

"You mustn't lie, dear"

"Oh, believe me, I'm not" he grinned

Once they finished their food the waitress brought them their check "I'm paying" Anthony said, he refused to lose this time around "You brought me here, it only fair"

"I'm the one that invited you though, so I must"

"Nope, I'm paying end of discussion" his voice was final, before Alastor could argue the waitress came back and Anthony handed her money. "Keep the extra," he smiled and waved his hand dismissively as the lady's face was full of shock. The bill itself was $7.70 (little over $130 nowadays), he gave her a $10 bill to pay, in the end resulting in her getting $2.30 (almost $39) as a tip.

They headed outside, the sky was cloudy looking like it was about to rain. They started to walk in the direction of the trolleys when it started to downpour. They found an overhang on a building. Anthony ran his hand through his soaked hair slicking it back "Damn, just my luck" Anthony huffed in annoyance.

"It doesn't look like it will be clearing up anytime soon" Alastor looked down at Anthony who was now ringing out his shirt "My house is closer to use then the trolley, how about we head there instead?" he suggested "I don't think the trolleys will be running anymore for the night"

Anthony sighed "Doesn't look like there is much of a choice huh? Alright why not" he stretched resulting in his shirt riding up a little bit. Alastor's face tinted pink, he cleared his throat.

"Shall we drift?" he asked, the rain only seemed to be getting worse. Anthony nodded.

They ran to Alastor's house, they got inside. Alastor took off his shoes, Anthony noticed and did the same. Alastor quickly got them towels. Anthony was looking around the house, his arm crossed to his chest. Alastor dropped the towel on Anthony. He gave Alastor a smile "Thanks" he hummed, wrapping the towel around himself, "nice place you got here, live with anyone" he asked, the thought of Alastor having a girlfriend made his blood boil.

Alastor noticed Anthony's grip on the towel "Just my mother" he said, watching Anthony relax. 'Oh, how this will be fun' he thought.

Words 1049

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