Chapter 6

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Author notes: Hello! Vinx here! My apologies for not posting! When I started this, I had 5 readers, so I didn't continue this, but recently I have been forced to do a creative writing unit in my English class. That gave me the idea to come on here and write again. Please be patience, I promise to update more but between school and work (I also have a new Partner, let's go me. Pulling some bitches) I am quite busy. Anyways...enough of that, enjoy my mid-writing. 

Anthony groaned as he sat up, his back hurt like hell. He stood up slowly, stretching, oh how he regretted rolling off the bed. He smiled, noticing his clothes neatly folded on a chair. He walked over changing out of the clothes Alastor allowed him to borrow. Anthony headed downstairs to where Alastor was located, Alastor was on the couch drinking coffee and reading the paper. Alastor looked up and smiled at Anthony "Good Morning! Did you sleep well?".

Anthony glared at Alastor "Would have slept better if I didn't roll off the bed."

Alastor laughed "Well you're the one who chose to do that."

Anthony walked over to Alastor and sat down next to him. He rolled his eyes "Yeah like I had a choice", he sighed, "Anything interesting?" he asked, looking at the newspaper Alastor was reading.

Alastor took a sip of his Coffee, "Not really" he hummed.

"Is your mom here?"

"No, it seems like they are short-staffed."

Anthony nodded, "What do you know about him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about my dear" he smirked whilst drinking more of his coffee.

Anthony glared at Alastor "Arthur Miller", he stated, "You said you would share what you know about him."

Alastor put his paper down on the coffee table and tilted his head towards Anthony "My my straight to the point, aren't we?" he chuckled "Let's see...what information would you like to acquire?" he asked.

Anthony smirked; he knew this game "I need to know his day-to-day schedule."

Alastor continued to smile "From what I have gathered every other Sunday he meets up at this one cafe in town. Always with this one man, I don't remember his name. Although" He paused putting his cup down "I know it's for some sort of trade."

"What trade?" Anthony asked.

"Hmm, I believe it is alcohol."

Anthony tilted his head "Perfect then." a grin spread across his face.

Alastor raised his eyebrow "Why is that?" he questioned.

Anthony smiled and waved his hand "Oh it's nothing" ...he had the correct person.

"Hmm...Alright then. Anything you need to do today?" he asked.

Anthony's smile faded as he groaned "well considering it's Sunday...should probably give Arthur a visit" he stood up, "what time does he usually make his appearance?" he asked.

"Well, normally a quarter past 9" he brought his cup over to the sink and placed it down. "Seems we better prepare to leave soon, if we want to catch him."

"You're coming with?"

"Can't let you have all the fun my dear" he hummed walking past Anthony and up the stairs.

The trolley wasn't as crowded as it normally would be around 9 am. It was a Sunday, and most people were already at work. Anthony stood close to Alastor; he wasn't the biggest fan of crowds. A man stood behind Anthony. Something about the man made Anthony uneasy, he shifted on his feet and looked up at Alastor. Alastor calmly, without turning his head, looked at Anthony. Alastor noticed the man and simply switched places with Anthony causing the man to get annoyed. "Hey what's your problem man?" the man slurred, alcohol on his breath.

Alastor looked down at the man, "Is something the problem?"

"Yeah, I got a problem, that pretty lady there...she's mine" he slurred.

"Pretty lady?" Alastor questioned, the man pointed to Anthony, Alastor let out a laugh causing people to turn. "That right there is my companion, HE is not interested in your disgusting homosexuality" Alastor sneered. Alastor's comment caused people to give the man dirty looks. The bus stopped and the man hurried off, whilst Anthony silently grabbed onto Alastor's coat. Eventually they got to the cafe, Anthony sat across from Alastor. He sighed, "something the matter my dear?" Alastor questioned looking at the menu.

Anthony shook his head "Just hate when men think I's a babe", he sighed. The waitress came over to take their orders. "I'll just take a coffee doll" he winked at the lady causing a small laugh from her.

"And for you?" She asked Alastor.

"I'll do a coffee as well" He smiled.

"I'll be right back boys" She turned, a pep in her step.

Anthony's grin faded as he looked around. His voice became a whisper so only Alastor could understand him "Now then shall we find the man selling booze?"

"That's why we're here" he laughed, the waitress came over with their coffees putting them down and hurrying away to another table. It was a Sunday morning at 9:15 am, people at every table.

"Yeah, yeah I get it, you need da money" A voice came from the booth behind Anthony.

"I don't think you understand, you get me the money by 8 pm tomorrow or ya done for" a man said, his voice unhappy.

"8 pm? Tomorrow? Com'n reasonable" he stumbled over his words.

"I mean it, I gave ya an extra week even. 8 pm tomorrow, this time we met at the park in the French Quarter." Anthony wrote it down in his notebook, he threw some cash on the table. He looked at Alastor who got the hint. They got up and left.

"Quite interesting to see how dumb people can be" Alastor laughed, he turned to look at Anthony who was lighting a cigarette.

"Want a gasper?" Anthony asked, offering Alastor one.

"Why not?" He took the cigarette, putting it between his teeth and allowing the smoke to fill his lungs. "So do we have a plan for tomorrow night?"

"Not yet, I'll make one tonight if I'm not killed" he laughed giving Alastor a playful side-eye.

"My my...some trust issues?" Alastor blew out smoke and gave Anthony a genuine smile.

"You can't blame me" Anthony laughed.

(Words 1018)

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