Chapter 5

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Alastor changed clothes whilst Anthony took a shower. Alastor sat Anthony's clothes out to dry and in the meantime gave him some of his own clothes to wear. Anthony came out of the bathroom in sweatpants and a really big sweatshirt. "Why the hell are you so tall?" Anthony asked, Anthony was considered tall but compared to Alastor he was short

Alastor laughed at the sweater paws "I think you like quite cute my dear" he said laughing resulting in Anthony blushing.

"I- I'm sorry did you just flirt with me?" Anthony asked without thinking, he covered his mouth with his hand releasing what he said.

"Did you want me too?" he asked, walking down the stairs with a flustered Anthony following behind him. Anthony didn't answer, resulting in a smile of satisfaction from Alastor. Anthony sat down in the living room while Alastor went into the kitchen to grab some wine and glasses.

Anthony brought his knees to his chest, what was happening? What was he feeling...? Was this what his sister described...attraction? He shook his head; Alastor placed the cups down and poured wine for the both of them. Anthony thanked him and took a sip. It was quite pleasant; he didn't have much wine at his house due to his father's preferences. "Does your mother work nights?" Anthony asked.

Alastor sat down across from Anthony, wine glass in his hand. "Her work schedule is quite random," he paused, taking a sip of wine, "she works at the hospital located by the French quarter".

Anthony's eyes shot towards Alastor "Oh! I've heard of that hospital. Isn't it run by a man named Arthur Miller?" he asked, trying to sound casual. Oh, how perfect this was.

Alastor put his wine down "Well he doesn't run the building itself; Mr. Miller just owns it. He owns a good amount of business, especially in the french quarter" he explained, he clenched his fist as he stared at the wall. Oh, how he hated that man.

Anthony noticed the change in Alastor's body language, it was obvious he didn't like the man..." Why don't you like him?"

Alastor relentlessly unclenched his fist, "Hmm what do you mean dear?"

"Oh, don't lie, it's quite obvious you hate him" he teased, finishing the glass of wine

"Hate is a strong word"

"Not the point," Anthony put his glass down, "What made you 'dislike' him so much?" Anthony asked

"The way he treats his workers. It's sickening" Alastor sneered; Anthony gave him a look telling him to continue. "He treats his workers like they are at his disposal, like they are just his toys".

Anthony nodded "I see why you don't like him"

"Well let's just say he shouldn't be around for much longer!" Alastor smiled, but this smile wasn't kind; it was laced with poison.

Anthony was taken aback but he didn't let that show "What do you mean?" he asked curious

"Oh! Nothing just got ahead of myself. It is getting quite late, I can show you the guest room" he hummed, beckoning Anthony to follow. Something about Alastor's behavior was off. "Here you are," he continued to smile.

"Thanks, night Al"

"Goodnight Anthony" Alastor closed the door and walked down the hall to his own room where he was preparing.

Anthony sighed as he flopped on the bed. Alastor's smile changed after he mentioned Arthur, was Alastor planning on doing something to him? If so, he would have to report back to his father as soon as possible, but if he did that...he would have to kill Alastor. He shook his head.

After a few hours of trying to sleep, whilst staring at the ceiling he heard a noise outside in the hall. He thought nothing of it until he heard it stop outside the door. It seemed as if someone was listening, Anthony pretending to be asleep as the door opened and closed. He heard someone getting closer.

The figure raised the knife and started to bring it down upon Anthony, but in a quick motion Anthony rolled off the bed resulting in the knife stabbing the bed.

Anthony quickly stood up reaching for his gun, but before he could grab it the figure lunged at him and pinned him to the ground. "My my no wonder you interest me so much, you're quite a fighter dear" Alastor said as Anthony struggled against Alastor's hand.

"What the hell are you doing Alastor?!" He hissed as he tried to fight Alastor, he shifted their hands, so Alastor stabbed the floor, the knife grazing his cheek. Sharp.

"I'm sorry dear but you have an idea of what I'm planning, though I must're much more of a fighter then you look" he smiled, not a kind smile but a bloodthirsty one "I wonder what you would taste like".

Anthony saw red, he flipped Alastor and held a gun to his forehead "You. Don't. Want." he paused, shifting his voice to a whisper "To test me" he let out a small laugh. Alastor tried to move, resulting in Anthony pressing the gun harder to his forehead "tsk, tsk, tsk, I wouldn't try to move."

"My what a situation I've gotten myself in" he sighed "How about we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" Anthony hummed, using his free hand to touch Alastor's hair.

Alastor flinched slightly at the new touch, "You seem to have an interest in Mr. Miller. Do you plan on killing him?" he asked his head tilted to the best of his ability.

Anthony asked, "Why would I tell you that?"

"Because I was already planning on killing him"

"Fine, I am planning on killing him and, no offense, I plan on killing you also" Anthony grinned, the very thought of blood excited him.

"My my straightforward there, now about the deal...let me live and I'll give you any information you want" his smile twisted into something sinister "I've been watching him, planning when to strike. Keep me alive, allow me to watch him die and I'll give you any information"

Anthony laughed "How do I know I can trust you won't go straight to the station?"

"Who would believe me?"

Anthony let out a small laugh as he put his gun away. "That's quite true." he stood up and held out his hand to Alastor who took it. Alastor grinned as he was face to face with Anthony.

"I must admit you looked quite good from the angle" he whispered in Anthonys ear, he shifted his head "Though I wasn't lying earlier when I said I wanted a taste" his voice hushed, as he licked the cut on Anthonys face.

Anthony stumbled back, his face beat red, he grasped his cheek "ALASTOR!" he scolded, resulting in him getting a true laugh out of Alastor. "What the hell?"

"Hmm? I wanted to know what you tasted like" he let out a small laugh

"That just sounds-"

"No." Alastor glared

Anthony laughed, his face still red. Shit if someone from his family found out about this deal, he would be dead. But something about Alastor made it all worth the risk.

Words: 1166

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