author's note

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hello everyone,

before you start reading this book, i would like to inform you of some stuff that needed clearing out to avoid confusion as you read;

1.) this book is more of a sequel to my other childe x reader fics. there's not really an order on how you should read it, but i highly suggest reading this book last because of the amount of reference in it. (there are many spoilers that came from other books, so please read those first before coming here!)

2.) this is an AU where teyvat never had Khaenri'ah. aside from this, happenings are different from what it was in game.

3.) i wrote this before we got more information with the other harbingers, this is right after when the teaser came out. so to future readers who are reading this after they've all been introduced and given back stories, they would most likely be OOC here.

4.) i feel like new readers have already been warned by older readers so... prepare tissues just in case ಥ‿ಥ

alright that's it for the author's note, i doubt everyone would read it but it's just a heads up! have fun reading

and also, tysm to ash LovelyDiviner for helping me with grammars and stuff while i was half asleep to do so T__T u a real one for this... and also kissmeyosano  , both of you for helping manage the discord server :D except ria my least favorite mod /j

this book is inspired by the song Geminids by Chronoir !

geminids [C. TARTAGLIA]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat