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it was around the time that you went out of the bathroom after the said puke up you did right after remembering your past lives out of nowhere. you had just gotten out of the bathroom, wiping your lips with a spare tissue you had, when you saw a familiar bowl-cut-haired man just right out of the cubicle.

you felt your body tense up, but then soon composed yourself when you remembered that this was a completely different timeline. scaramouche had no idea who you were.

"oh uh, sorry. you can go in now." you say since, for one, it was a public uni-sex cubicle that was right outside the grounds of the school.

he just stood there, leaning against the tree as he stared at you. it began to creep you out. you furrowed your brows, deciding it was best to not make acquaintances with him this time around. after all, he's always causing you trouble everywhere you go.

"you remember, don't you?" he said before you could walk any further.

you froze, stopping yourself from leaving the area. "...what?" you asked, turning around to face him.

scaramouche only had a smirk on his face when he confirmed his assumptions, "i knew it. you acted really odd when you met tartaglia earlier."

"i don't know what you're talking about." you feigned innocence.

"don't bother with the act, [Y/N]. hm, or was it printsessa [Y/N]? vice president, [Y/N]? or his highness's royal guard?"

you felt sick again even after throwing all your insides already just a moment ago. "...how do you know all this?"

"isn't it obvious? i'm like you." he folded his arms, acting smug as he always did. "rather, i remember it all just like you do."

"it... it doesn't make any sense." you went closer to him, face turning pale. "i... what is going on? those memories– did it really happen? they weren't a dream?"

"face it, [Y/N]. those did happen, in the past that is."

"but... why can i remember? and why just... me and you?"

he sighs at your questions, it clearly irritated him. "i've been born with such... talent, if you would even call it that. i know people who have the same experience as i do, i sense it, somehow."

"then there are others...?"

"no." he immediately shot you down. "you're the first. that's why when i got this feeling, i followed it and it led to me witnessing whatever the hell happened with tartaglia earlier."

"are you saying that for all those times i've known you, you already knew about... this? you knew who i was from the past?"

"precisely." he nods. "you, however, are a different case. you've been forced to remember this because of something."

"...and that is?"

"haven't you realized?" the man groans in annoyance. "think about it, when do you usually stop remembering your past self, then reliving a new life?"

you thought about his question. surely enough, there was a pattern that you witnessed yourself. "i start to gain consciousness... whenever i'm close to meeting with childe in a timeline."

"good, and when does it end?"

"when he..." you stopped, eyes widening. "are you saying this is all because of him?"

"i wouldn't say for certain, but i had the feeling that was the case for you." he sighed. "i'm just as clueless as you are, i have no evident proof whatsoever so save yourself the questions."

you were in a daze, head spinning not only from the overload of information but also the fact that you had to remember all the times childe had... died. if it weren't for scaramouche being in front of you, you were sure you would've broken down already.

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