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it's an odd feeling
having your absence hurt so much
more than it ever had.

I think it never hurt this bad because I never realized
I was nothing
I never realized you didn't care.

maybe it hurt more because I never felt
the warmth of your lips against mine
the feeling of your lips against my neck
the feeling of your hand going over every inch of my body,
until that night.

maybe it hurt more because you are with her again.
maybe it hurts more because i still care
and I can't bring myself not to.

I know you will come back
and you will need me again when she's gone.
it's my weakness.

you are my weakness.
I would do anything for you
be there for you at any time of the day
because I hate to see you cry
and I hate to see you hurt

so, if being by your side
is the only title I'll ever have then,
I'll accept it.

maybe its pathetic

but I have too much love for you to really care.

love lostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant