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how to make the darkness in your mind poetic?
i simply don't know.
i can tell you it's like
nails scratching against a chalkboard,
a thousand clowns chasing you at once,
or maybe it's just me i don't know.

so many questions wander in my mind
am i okay?
is this something everyone experiences?
who am i even?

i'm lost.
but i think we all get lost at some point,
all at a point struggle to find who we even are.

you get hurt so much you eventually lose yourself along the way.
you look in the mirror every morning and ask yourself where the fuck did you go?
what the fuck are you doing?
what the fuck happened?

maybe it's stupid,
and i don't know what this is
but all i know is it's consuming me slowly
day by day, year by year
it has taken a chunk out of me each time.
and i hate to say it,
i really do

    - but i don't think there's much left for it to take.

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