you hurt me

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i don't have many words left in me.
i have absolutely nothing to say anymore.
you have completely bled me out dry.
the memory of that night aches my soul.
the fear of you never talking to me again consumes me 24/7.
i cant help but think how could you do this to me?
how could you do this to someone who was there for you at the times you needed them to be?
did you even ever appreciate my presence?
i know i appreciated yours
i know i cared for you highly
i know i love spending time with you
i loved when i finally got to make you laugh
i loved when we would fake fight
i loved when we just drove anywhere and talked for hours.
but you didn't.
no no you never did
because looking back on it
i was only there because she was gone
i was only there because you guys broke up
i was only fucking there because she wouldn't talk to you.
i'm only ever there when she's not.
the second she comes back you disappear.
you leave.
so why,
why must you torment me this way?
why must you treat someone who cares about you so much like this?

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