i miss you.

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it's weird
no matter where i am
i cant stop thinking of you.
no matter where i am
or who i'm with
it ruins my whole entire mood
that you're not here.

and then i realized
the thought of you has officially completely consumed my mind

i crave your touch
i crave your attention
and i cant have it
because she does.

you didn't want my attention when you had it
you wanted hers.
but she has returned once again
and my attention is no longer useful to you,

i spend everyday wishing
and hoping
you would talk to me
you would miss me
you would crave my touch
crave the feeling of our lips intertwining
but you don't
you crave hers.

but that's okay
maybe one day you will miss me
but by then
i'll have someone else's touch,
and i will no longer be able to remember what it feels like to have yours.

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