Chapter 2

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 I walk to the door and open the door. 'AAHH!' I scream like a little child, who saw a ghost. 

'God, you scared me.' I say, putting my hand on my chest and recovering from what just happened. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.' He says and looks me up and down, then holds eye contact. I don't know why but Jungkook looks so hot. God, how can someone be this handsome? 'What are you doing here?' 'Why are you trying to avoid me?' He asks. I mean it's true, I started to sit as far away from Jungkook as possible, yet he just came closer. It backfired, so I tried getting drinks for everyone, but then Jung Hoseok and Seok Jin went to get the drinks. Eventually, to not let it show, that I wanted to get away from Jungkook I went to the bathroom, and yet, he is here, right in front of me. 'I'm not avoiding you though, I'm trying to protect you from me because when I'm drunk I say things and do things that are embarrassing.' I say and look down at my shoes. This is what I mean, I shouldn't have said that. 'Like what?' Really, can't he just guess. 'Just guess, I'm not gonna say it' He takes a step toward me and I take two steps back. The door closes behind him. I hold my breath. 'W-what are you doing?' I ask. He doesn't respond and takes another step toward me. 'Stop, we're both drunk, this isn't a good idea.' I say. 'I swear I've met you before.' He then says. What? 'I don't know where we would've met, I've never seen you before.' I say and then Jungkook turns around and walks away. I can finally breathe again. I pour some cold water over me so I can sober up a little, it doesn't work though. I go back to the rest of the group and when I open the door I see Eun Jeong dancing on top of the table. She is way too drunk to even stay here. 'Eun Jeong, come down, you might hurt yourself.' I say and try to get her off the table. Then she jumps off and looks at me. 'Oh, come on live a little. You do nothing but stay home and work, you never have time for me and when you do, you always got to be so responsible.' She sounds a little mad and irritated. 'Well I'm sorry, but if I wouldn't take responsibility who would do it then. I mean you know what happens when we both are drunk right?' I say irritated back. 'Ugh, why do you always have to kill all the fun!' She says, now she looks really mad. 'Fine, do what you want!' I scream back. I want to leave but I can't, Eun Jeong brought me here and I told my mom I would stay at her house. Where do I have to go now? 'Let's do shots guys.' Eun Jeong says. 'Well, I think it's time for you to go home,' Jimin says. 'Come on, let me take you.' Eun Jeong tries to walk but she can barely walk straight. 'You don't have to, let me take her.' I say. 'No, I want Jimin to take me home!' She screams at me. And then almost falls to the ground. Jimin picks her up, and then she passes out. 'I'll come with you, I know where she lives.' Jimin lifts Eun Jeong and carries her on his back. I grab Eun Jeong's stuff and walk out with Jimin. I grab Eun Jeong's keys and we walk to her car. I sat in the back with Eun Jeong, while Jimin drove us to her house. Jimin waited outside, till I got back. 'Sorry for the trouble, thank you for bringing her home.' I say. 'Of course, no problem,' He says. 'I already called my friends, they will be here in 10 minutes' He finishes his sentence. 

The car pulls up in the driveway. Jimin goes in the car and I wait outside. Jungkook is driving the car and rolls down his window. 'Aren't you coming?' He asks. 'You don't have to bring me home, I can take a cab, I have my money with me.' I want to grab my purse. 'Shit, I forgot my stuff' I say.' 'It's fine we can drive back to the club and then take you home.' Taehyung says. I walk to the car and want to sit in the back, but all the guys sit there and the only seat that isn't taken, is the passenger seat next to Jungkook. I sit down and close the door, put my seat belt on and Jungkook starts driving back words. He puts his hand on the headstand of my seat and looks back. God, everything he does is so fucking hot, and he isn't even trying. 'We're close to my friend's houses, is it okay if we bring them home first?' Jungkook asks, looking at me for just a few seconds and then back to paying attention to the road. 'Yeah, that's fine.' I say. 

After six stops we finally are back at the club. I run back inside, up the stairs, and through the hallway. I reach to the door and open it, just to find a couple having a make-out session. 'Hey, what the hell are you doing?' Says the girl, who's in her underwear sitting on top of the guy, who's also sitting in his underwear. 'She just forgot her purse.' Jungkook says. He comes behind me through the door and walks over to the couple. 'There it is, sorry for bothering, have fun.' Jungkook says and then turns around and smirks. We walk back to the car. 'Thank you.' I say. and fastly go in the car and close the door. 'No problem, you just gonna have to pay me back.' 'W-what?' I say surprised. 'Well, I had to walk over to the half-naked couple doing nasty things, if I were you, I would clean the purse.' He hands me the purse and I take it from him with my thumb and index finger. I put my purse on the ground between my feet and Jungkook starts driving. 'Where do I have to drop you off?' Shit, I haven't thought about that. 'You can drop me off at the Hot Chicken restaurant.' I say. That restaurant is 20 minutes away from my house, but it is 10 minutes away from a hotel. 'Oké then' He says, with disbelief. 

'Were here' Jungkook says. 'Thank you.' I say. I take my seat belt off and want to open the door when I hear the sound of the door getting locked. I try and open it, but it doesn't work. Did he really just do that? 'What the hell!' I say loudly. 'Where is your house?' He asks. 'Does that matter, I told you to drop me off here and now you're locking me up in your car. What kind of game are you playing?' I ask him madly. 'I'm not playing a game. I want you to go home safely and I know you're lying.' He says calmly. 'I can take care of myself, open the car.' I demand him. 'Fine.' He does as I say and I step out. I throw the car door close and walk mad away from him. God, who does he think he is? I'm not a baby and besides, I don't need protection especially not his. 

I see the hotel I wanted to go to and walk inside. I look around, I've seen the hotel before from the outside, but from the inside, it's even better. It's really big and they've decorated it beautifully. I walk toward the young guy, yet I think he's older than me, who's sitting behind a desk. 'Hi, can I help you with something?' He asks politely, smiling at me. 'Um, yes, I would like a room...' Before I can finish my sentence someone else is finishing mine. 'For two please.' I turn around to see who said that and to my surprise it's Jungkook. He walks toward us. 'Oké, we only have one room left, can I have your name?' 'Jeon' Jungkook says quickly before I can even say something. 'Here's your key. You can pay tomorrow morning. enjoy' The guy says and then looks back at me, smiling at me again. Jungkook grabs my arm and takes me to the elevators. 'What are you doing?' I irritatingly ask him. 'I knew you were lying. So I followed you here.' I sigh loudly, getting even more irritated by the way he smirks at me. He drags me to the room and then closes the door. 'Why do you even care?' I ask him. 'Because I have manners.' He says. God, he looks handsome and hot, yet he irritates me so much. 'Have fun.' I say and turn around. I grab the door and pull it open, then it closes with a loud sound. I turn around, Jungkook is pushing the door close and there's no way I can open it. 'What do you want?' I ask him. 'Why did you lie?' 'Because I don't want people near my house,' I say as an excuse. I'm not gonna tell him that I want to leave the house, I'm not gonna tell him what's going on in my life. 'Only Eun Jeong knows where I live.' I finish. 'Oké then.' He says again in disbelief. 'By the way, how could you even drive, when you're drunk?' I ask him. 'I can do anything.' He says arrogantly. He still holds the door and looks me in the eyes. 'What?' I ask him. 'Nothing.' He says. I walk around him to the bathroom and close the door. I want to lock it, but there is no lock. 'What the hell!' I say. 'What?' Jungkook walks toward me and looks at the door. 'Ah, there is no lock,' He says. 'I won't watch.' He says, with confidence, and turns around. I walk to the closet in the bedroom and open the doors. There's a big shirt and some shorts for me to wear. I grab the clothes and walk back to the bathroom, closing the door. I turn the shower on and take my clothes off. 

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