Chapter 5

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A voice I've heard before. I open the door and walk inside, closing the door behind me. I turn around, just to see the guy who took my virginity, Jungkook. 

I start to panic. What have I done? 'You're late!' He says cold. 'I know, I'm sorry. My alarm didn't go off and I don't have a car, my bike has a flat tire, so I had to take the bus.' I say. I'm ashamed of myself. I slept with my boss, but in my defense, I didn't know he was my boss, until now. 'If you're late again, you will have a big problem. You're dismissed.' He says cold. I turn around and walk out of the room. My desk is in the hallway across from his room. I sit down and start working. How will I ever be able to avoid him? Is he mad at me, because I left without a note? Does he even remember me? I push my thoughts away and continue working. After some time my intercom starts ringing. I look who's calling me, the CEO, the screen says. I  pick up. 'What can I do for you, sir?' I ask nervously. 'You need to work over hours tonight.' 'Oké, sir.' It's quiet for some time. 'Oh, and before I forget, I want you to get me some lunch. I don't care if it is in a restaurant or an order, as long as it's not something with fish.' He adds. Before I can answer he hangs up. Surprised I look at the intercom. This is not what my job required. I don't have to bring him food, besides he can get food in the cafeteria downstairs. Why let me order something? I think about it and there is a question in my mind. When does he want his food? What should I do, call him back through the intercom or walk to his room? I don't want to face him so calling would be better, but that would be unprofessional. Ughh, I don't want to face him, I also have to stay here tonight. There's a high chance I will be alone with Jungkook in the building, while everyone sits at home eating dinner, with their boyfriends, or husbands. I finally found the courage, I slowly stand up and walked toward his room. I quickly fix my white blouse and black skirt and carefully knock on the door. 'Come in.' I hear his husky voice. I open the door and nervously walk toward his desk. I'm 5 feet away from his desk, I look over his shoulder and along his face. 'Sir?' I ask, avoiding eye contact. 'Look me in the eyes.' He demands me. I slowly turn my eyes toward his. I keep eye contact for a few seconds and then look away again. 'Look. Me. In. My. Eyes!' He says demanding and at the same time cold. I look into his eyes. 'What did you wanna say?' He asks with a more normal and natural voice. 'W-when did y-you wanna have l-lunch?' I stutter. I can't deny that I'm a little scared.  Did he recognize me? He waits a few seconds looking at his watch. 'In exactly 20 minutes.' He says. He puts his arm down on his lap and looks at me. 'Do you think you can make it?' He waggles his eyebrows. Is he trying to test me? 'Of course, I can.' I say with full confidence. He may be the CEO, but I wasn't hired if I couldn't do this. 'Oké then, I want to eat at The Ginseng Grill.' I look at him with surprise, that restaurant is really expensive. You almost pay 195.146,14 won for one meal, that's 150 dollars. You also need to make a reservation if you want to eat there and that's almost impossible because a lot of people love to eat there. 'But..' Before I can finish my sentence Jungkook starts speaking. 'No buts, I want to eat there so try you're best, you said that you could do it, so do it.' I look surprised at him. 'Now go, you only have 15 minutes left.' I turn around and scoff, while I walk toward the door. 'Oh, almost forgot, make a reservation for 2.' I open the door and walk out, without giving him an answer. He's so annoying and with who is he going to eat? Is it for business? Maybe he has a girlfriend? No that couldn't be possible, we hooked up two weeks ago. I grab my phone and call the restaurant. After being on the phone, almost arguing for 2 minutes I hang up. Just as I thought, they're completely booked. I searched for nearby restaurants and called all of them, but none of them has a table for two. It's lunchtime for me, but I can't eat food within 10 minutes. Should I tell Jungkook that I couldn't book a restaurant? No, I can't, I have to keep my pride. 'Hey, why are you sitting here, you know it's lunchtime right?' I look up. Choi Won Young is standing in front of me. She is really pretty. She has long black hair, and wears a light yellow blouse with a black blazer and black pants, with black high heels. 'I need to find a restaurant for the CEO, but all the expensive ones are completely booked.' I say disappointed. 'Ooh, well you could try the Kimchi Jjigae House restaurant. It's only a 30-minute ride but it's worth it.' 'Thank you, I will try.' 'Of course no problem.' Won Young turns around and walks away. I call the restaurant and after a minute I hang up. Finally, a place where we can go. He will not have his food on time, but at least it's something. I stand up and walk to Jungkook's office. I open the door. 'I have a reservation, sadly it's not at The Ginseng Grill but I found one that's also expensive and they luckily had a table for two.' 'Great, you drive.' He stands up and grabs his coat from the chair. He is quite demanding. I walk after him out of the office. We go to the parking lot. 'Where did you park the car?' He looks at me. 'Here are the keys, there is the car.' He hands me the keys and points to his car. It's a Mercedes Benz GT63S. I carefully close the door. Jungkook sits in the passenger seat, looking at what I'm doing. I start to drive. 

'How long is it going to take?' We've been only driving for 10 minutes and Jungkook is already whining about how long it's going to take. 'We still have a 20 - minute ride ahead of us.' I say calmly. 'What? What about work, I don't have that much time?' 'Won Young said it was worth it, so I think it won't be that bad and it was the only place that had a table for two.' I calmly explain to him. 'It better be good, because if it isn't then you will have to sleep over at work.' He won't let me stay at work for the whole night, it's just a lie. I ignore what he says and keep on driving when suddenly my phone rings. I look at my phone that lies in front of the gearstick. I look quickly and see an unknown number. 'Who is that?' Jungkook asks while looking at my phone. 'I don't know, can you turn my phone off please?' Without answering he turns my phone off. 'I think were almost there.' I say while looking around. I'm in an unfamiliar place and it makes me anxious. I don't know where I am; the only person who knows we're here is Won Young. I stopped in front of the restaurant where a young man is waiting outside. I turn Jungkook's window down. 'Hello, welcome to Kimchi Jjigae House restaurant, would you like me to park your car?' 'Sure, but if you damage the car you have to pay a lot of money, so please be careful.' Jungkook answers, kind of rudely. We step out of the car and the young man drives to the parking lot. I stand still and see Jungkook walking to the door. 'What are you doing come here.' Jungkook says when he realized that I wasn't walking behind him. I walk toward him. 'I thought that you were having lunch with someone?' I ask him. 'Yeah, obviously that's you.' He says. He opens the door and holds it for me. 'After you.' He says. I walk inside, kind of scared, I don't want to talk and I don't want to walk inside first. I slow down and take smaller steps. Jungkook walks past me and starts speaking with the young lady. We walk to the table and both sit down at the same time. 

After we ordered our food, my phone rang again. I look at my phone that's laying on the table, again the same number. Who could it be? If it was important then why not just leave a voicemail? I turn my phone off again. I nervously look at Jungkook. He seems to not care at all. Our food arrived, and I got the cheapest meal, but honestly, it was so expensive. Jungkook paid for our meal and drove back to work. 'Did you get home save that day?' Jungkook suddenly asks. I turn red. 'W-what do you mean?' pretend to not know anything. I was drunk anyway, just pretend you can't remember. 'The day after we hooked up.' Jungkook distracts me, I get nervous, and my driving worsens. I stop at a nearby parking lot and park the car. 'I'm sorry, I don't remember.' He looks at me. 'Get out, I'll drive.' I do as he says. He starts driving and then continues asking questions. 'You can't tell me you don't remember. You were drunk, but not that drunk.' He caught me red-handed. What do I say? I look out the window. 'Why did you leave without saying anything, not even a note?' 'I'm sorry,' I look at Jungkook. 'I was nervous and scared. I thought you would just see it as a one-night stand and that you would leave.' 'Why would I leave? Do you think I just hook up with girls?' I look at my shoes. 'I didn't even know who you were and I was drunk, I didn't think it through. I mean, many guys just wanted to hook up with me. I lost my virginity to you while I was drunk and you were also drunk.' My eyes start to tear up, but I hold them back. 'I don't care if I was drunk, I wouldn't have left like that,' He starts yelling 'Do you even know how you made me feel?' For a second he looks at me and I look at him. My eyes are tearing up and I look the other way, hoping Jungkook wouldn't notice. 'I felt guilty, I was just too scared to stay and to face you. You have seen me naked and it was my first time, I didn't even know what to do, I freaked and ran out.' For the rest of the ride, we both are silent. 

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