chapter 8

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'Hey, I'm still working is it okay if I call you back?' for a minute she is quiet. 'What's going on? Are you okay?' I look at Jungkook, he looks at me a little concerned. I hear her breathing, it's almost like she's crying silently. 'Eun Jeong, are you okay?' She doesn't answer me. I start to panic. What if someone is chasing her and she is hiding? What if something really bad happened to her? 

 'I have your location, I'm coming to you right now.' I hang up the phone. I grab the stuff I need, like my keys, phone, and wallet. 'I'm so sorry, I'll stay late tomorrow too and make sure it's done.' 'It's okay, I'll drive you.' I look at him. 'You don't have to do that.' 'I want to, let's go.'  I walk behind Jungkook, he walks to his car. He opens the door for me and closes it behind me. While Jungkook is riding, I look for her location. She's at her house. I give Jungkook the directions and he's driving faster than he legally can. 

When we arrive, Eun Jeong is standing outside. She is crying. I sprint out of the car and hug her. 'What happened? Are you okay?' I let her go and look into her eyes. She looks scared and she has trouble breathing. 'I-I..' she stutters. 'Okay breath in,' She breathes in as I give her the instructions. 'And breath out.' She starts to relax. 'What happened?' With tears in her eyes, she starts to talk. 'Someone broke in, while I was upstairs. I heard them come in and I hid in my closet,' She starts to cry more. 'they were talking about you and I don't know what's going on.' I hug her. 'Did you remember what they said?' I ask her. 'I only heard your name, but I was so scared.' 'You're save now, you wanna sleep over at my place?' She frees herself from my hug. 'You can't go back to your house, they probably know where you live. I have this book where I write the addresses of people I'm close with, yours was in there too.' Shit! 'Where are you going to sleep then?' 'I'm going to stay over at my parents' until I have camera's outside my house and new locks,' She takes a breath. 'You should come with me.' I look at her. 'I can't, I have to work, your parents live far away from my work, and I don't have the money to travel every single day to work.' Jungkook comes closer and looks at me. 'You can stay with me,' He looks at Eun Jeong. 'she'll be safe there. I have security cameras and I don't think they know where she is when she's not home. The first place they look is at your house.' Jungkook looks back at me. 'I think that's a great idea, you'll be safe and I wouldn't have to worry about you.' Eun Jeong says while grabbing my hands. I look at her and then at Jungkook, my boss. Should I stay over at his place? Maybe I'll bring him in danger, I don't want that. 'I don't know, I mean if I'm in danger, that means I'll bring him in danger too, even now I bring the both of you in danger.' 'You don't have a choice, I'll just pick you up and put you in the car.' Jungkook says. I look at him. 'No, seriously it's no time for jokes right now. I don't want to bring anyone in danger.' 'Oh I know, I'm serious too.' Jungkook says. Eun Jeong wipes her tears, she stopped crying. 'I think you should listen for once, you always protect others, now it's time for us to protect you.' Eun Jeong has a point, but still. I can't put anyone in danger. I don't even know who's looking for me. I hate not having control. I need to find out who my enemy is, without bringing anyone in danger. 'Fine, I'll stay with Jungkook okay.' 'great.' Eun Jeong says and hugs me. 'I already have my clothes and the car is here already, I'm gonna go, be careful.' Eun Jeong says and walks off to the car. How am I going to get away from him, so I won't endanger him? My life got so much more complicated because of this. Who is following me? What do they want? 'Are you coming?' Jungkook asks me. 'You go ahead, I need to do something first.' I say I turn around, and as soon as I take my first step Jungkook grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I bump into him and he holds my lower back with his other hand. 'You're not going anywhere, it's not safe and besides, I need you for work.'  I look at him annoyed. 'Look, I don't even know who's looking for me, I need to figure that out first and I don't want to put you in danger, so it's best if I stay in a hotel or something. I'll be fine.' I pull my arm back and turn around. I can take only a few steps and then Jungkook grabs my wrist again. I turn around and bump into him again. I take one step back and want to say something, but as soon as I open my mouth he lifts me over his shoulder and brings me to the car. 'Let go of me!' I scream. He doesn't seem to care and puts me in the car. Jungkook locks the door. He walks around the car and I wait for him to unlock the door. I hear the sound of the door unlocking and I quickly open my door. Before I could even put both my feet outside he pulls me back, closes my door, and locks the car. 'I don't care if I'm in danger, I told your friend I would keep you save, so I will do my best to keep you save.' He seems very calm about everything. 'I can protect myself and I don't need anyone, I can fight and I can take care of myself.' 'I get you can do that, but I want to keep you safe, so you just gotta accept that.' I look at him madly. Why can't he just understand me? I can't put anyone in danger, I don't want anyone to get hurt. 

The rest of the ride we didn't say anything. I don't have my stuff with me, only the things I brought from the office and the things that are still in the office. I don't have clothes or a toothbrush. He parks the car in his driveway. He has a really big driveway and a big garage. His house is big, two stories high, and has a balcony. The house has really big windows and it's more windows than walls. He takes me inside his house. We walk up the stairs and he opens the door. We walk through a hallway, and then Jungkook opens another door leading to the living room. He grabs my hand and takes me to the couch. 'You want something to drink or maybe food?' 'Sure, water is fine.' He walks to his counter and fills a glass with water. I stand up and walk toward him to grab the glass from him, so he doesn't have to walk back to the couch. He suddenly turns around and we almost bump into each other. 'Sorry.' I say and we look at each other. He puts the glass of water down on the counter and his eyes follow his hand. He takes a step toward me. I feel my body getting warm and my heart rate is going up. His beautiful eyes lock with mine. I hold my breath, while he takes one step closer. 

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