chapter 7

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I say and grab her hand back. She turns her head and looks at me. 'Why aren't you paying attention?' I ask her. She starts blushing. 

Hyun Joo POV: 

I feel my face turning red. He holds my hand on the mouse and told me to pay attention, but all I can focus on is his perfume, face, and jawline. He turns his head and we make eye contact. It feels like a long time before I decide to look at the computer screen. I try to pay attention to what he's doing, but his features are distracting me. His perfect jawline, his warm hands, the way he looks at the screen like he's really smart and knows what he's doing. I quickly shake my head tryna get him out of my head and try to focus. It sort of worked, but then I felt his breath against the side of my face. Is he looking at me? I keep looking at the screen. He deletes the meeting from 17:00 to next Tuesday. 'Wait.. does this mean you are free tomorrow at 17:00?' I ask him and turn my head. He stands straight and looks down, while I have to tilt my head to look at him. 'Yes, why do you ask? Wanna go on a date?' I'm flustered 'No, no that's not what I meant, I just wanted to know if I would also be free tomorrow at 17:00.' I say fast in a defensive way. He smirks. 'Relax, I was just kidding.' He starts laughing. Does he really think this is funny? Making me all nervous. I stand up. 'Wasn't there a lot of work that we had to do?' I ask him. 'Yeah, there is. Will you follow me please?' He starts walking to his office. He opens the door and holds it for me. 'Girls first.' He says and smirks. I roll my eyes and walk into his office. What is he trying to do? He closes the door and sits in his seat. 'Take a seat, you don't have to stand there.' I do as he says. 'Can we just work? Cause I don't want to stay here the whole night?' Why not just cut to the chase and tell him what we want, it can't go wrong right? 'You don't find this work important?' 'No that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying that before the sun rises and work starts again, I need a little sleep to work hard tomorrow again.' I look at him with a smile on my face. 'You've got a point there,' He smiles and takes a breath. 'I need you to make a summary from this.' He shows me the document, which has 10 pages. 'I'll send this to your mail and I need this tomorrow morning at 9:00.' 'Okay, I'll start right away.' I stand up and at the point of turning around, Jungkook starts talking. 'I want you to do that here.' 'Why? I mean you must have a lot of work too, I can just do it at my desk.' I really can't focus if he's watching me work. I would constantly look in his direction. 'If you have questions I can help immediately and I want to check if you make good summaries.' Seriously? why can't he just check when I'm done? 'Okay, I'll grab my computer.' I walk out of his office and grab my computer. Before I walk in again I take deep breaths. I open the door and sit across from Jungkook. I carefully put some things aside and make some place for my computer. 

It's 22:00, and in 30 minutes I got 3 pages done. I have to yawn, but I don't want Jungkook to see, I look away from him and cover my mouth with my hand. 'Are you tired?' 'huh..' I look at him 'ooh no, I'm fine.' I look back at my computer. 'You want some coffee?' I look back at Jungkook again. 'That's okay, I'll grab the coffee.' I stand up. 'No, sit down, I'll bring you some coffee.' He stands up and walks out of the office. Half a minute after Jungkook, I stand up and walk to the bathroom. When I come back and open the door, I see Jungkook taking his coat off and then his waistcoat. Now he only has his blouse on. I walk to the desk, sit down, and look at my computer screen. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart is starting to race. He walks over to me and then stands behind me. 'Can I read what you've got so far?' 'Sure' I show him what I've got, while I feel his warmth again. I can't help myself and look at him again. He is a little sweaty that's why he took off some clothes. Is he doing this on purpose? No, he is my boss, he wouldn't do that. Right? My hands become sweaty as I focus on something other than him. He stands behind me and leans forward as I open the document for him to read it. My hands become sweat. Seriously why? How can you catch feelings for your boss? He starts reading, I take my hand off the mouse and let him scroll down. Instead of using the mouse, Jungkook uses the touchpad on my computer. I start to get nervous, but Jungkook doesn't seem to care about it. How is he so relaxed? 

'I think you did a pretty good job.' He says turning his head to look me in the face. 'Thank you, sir.' We keep looking at each other. I see his eyes going from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes. I can't help but feel insecure. It feels like time is standing still, I look at his features. What would he think right now? Suddenly my phone starts ringing. We both look at my phone at the same time. 'I'm sorry.' I say and while I grab my phone, Jungkook stands up straight. I look at the screen and see that it's Eun Jeong. Why would she call me at 22:45? She never calls me that late, unless it's serious. And sometimes it's not that serious. I pick up the phone. 'Hey, I'm still working is it okay if I call you back?' for a minute she is quiet. 'What's going on? Are you okay?' I look at Jungkook, he looks at me a little concerned. I hear her breathing, it's almost like she's crying silently. 'Eun Jeong, are you okay?' She doesn't answer me. I start to panic. What if someone is chasing her and she is hiding? What if something really bad happened to her? 

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