Chapter 4

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I move closer to her and put my arm around her, she holds my hand and then we fall asleep. 

Hyun Joo POV:

The sun is burning on my eyes, I slowly open them covering my eyes with my hand. I look around and then see Jungkook lying beside me without his shirt. I look at myself, I'm naked. What happened last night? I remember getting into a fight with Eun Jeong, Jimin, and I brought her home. Then Jungkook picked up Jimin and I forgot my stuff, so I drove with them. Eventually, after six stops we arrived at the club, where a couple was making out. We stopped at Hot Chicken restaurant and I walked over to the hotel. I remember taking a shower and the door wasn't completely closed. I stand up and grab my clothes. I put them on and then look back at Jungkook. Suddenly out of nothing everything from last night hits me. I remember he said that I had to pay him back, is this what he meant? I let him kiss me because I wanted it but I shouldn't have let him. I was drunk and so was he. Although I don't regret what happened last night, I just wish it happened differently. I feel embarrassed about last night. What have I done? What if it was just a one-night stand for him? What if he just wanted to fuck and nothing else, like a bet? I'm scared to stay, so I grab my clothes, without leaving a note I close the hotel room door and walk back home. 

I open the door and try to be as silent as I can. I walk to the living room because that's the only way to get to the kitchen. 'Why are you back so early?' 'AHH,' I turn around. 'god mom, you scared me.' I say while catching my breath. My mom stands up from the couch and walks toward me. 'Why are you so twitchy?' 'probably because I'm tired.' I say. My mom looks at me as if she knows that I'm lying, but she doesn't say anything. 'But, why are you back so early, I thought you were staying at Eun Jeong's house?' 'Yeah, I was but she.. has to work today.' I try not to let it sound like a total lie I just made up. 'Ahh, oké then.' My mom smiles at me. It doesn't feel good to lie to her, but how can I tell her that I just lost my virginity to a guy, I will never see again? She's going to lose it if I tell her that and then I will have to be in a conversation for over three hours, about why I shouldn't have done that and why I can never drink again. 'I'm tired, I'll grab some food and then go upstairs to rest.' 'Sure, I have to go to work, I'll be late home, so can you do the chores I gave you yesterday?' 'Yeah, sure.' I turn around and make some instant noodles and go upstairs. I turn my computer on and put my favorite show on. 

My mom left 30 minutes ago. I walk downstairs to grab some water. Suddenly the doorbell rings. I carefully walk into the hallway, without making a sound. I look through the peephole and see Eun Jeong. I open the door. 'What is it?' I ask, clearly irritated. 'I wanted to talk to you about last night.' She pauses. 'I know you probably hate me right now and I'm the last person you wanna see, but I'm really sorry.' 'Come in.' I open the door further and she walks to the living room. I close the door, walk to the living room, and sit across the room. I'm mad at her, but I'm also mad at myself for what I did last night. I feel guilty leaving, without a note. 'I'm sorry for what I did, I shouldn't have said that, it was wrong.' 'You know, I get that you're angry that I don't have a lot of time, but you got to understand that I find my job important and I can't just say that I'm sick,' I pause. 'Look, I can try to get more time, but being an assistant is a lot of work, and if the CEO needs me then I have to be available.' 'I know that, I'm really sorry oké?' She looks at me. 'It's oké, but please if something is bothering you tell me first instead of getting drunk and then tell me.' 'I will.' She stands up and walks toward me. I stand up too and hug her. 'I need to tell you something too.' I say and take a step back. 'But before I tell you, would you like something to drink?' 'Yeah, water is fine.' I walk to the kitchen and grab two glasses and fill them with water. I walk to the couch and sit next to Eun Jeong. 'So, what did you wanna tell me?' 'I lost my virginity last night.' I say. 'WHAT?' She says in shock. 'I lost my virginity to Jungkook and left without leaving a note behind, while he was still sleeping and I feel so guilty about it.' I look down at my shoes. 'It's fine, I mean a lot of guys do this to girls.' 'Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can do it too.' I look at Eun Jeong. 'You're right, but the chances of you seeing him again are like.. 0,001 percent, you don't have to worry.' She hugs me. She is supportive. Normally I'm the supportive one, it feels weird to have someone who cares and who is on your side. 'But tell me, how did you end up losing your virginity?' 'Well, I told my mom I was staying at your house, but we got into a fight, so Jungkook brought me to the Hot Chicken restaurant and I walked to a hotel nearby and he followed me. We ended up in the same room and I took a shower, changed my clothes, and lay on the bed. He took his shirt off and then we ended up having sex.' Eun Jeong looks at me with excitement in her eyes. 'Wow, that's such a good love story, I mean damn that's hot.' We both start laughing. 

It's already 10 pm, I just finished my chores. I walk upstairs and lay in my bed. The only thing on my mind is Jungkook. His smell when he kisses me, his touch, and his husky voice. He not only looked hot, but he was also hot. His abs, when he took his shirt off damn. I bite my lip. "Stop, get your mind off. Think about something else" I say in my mind. I stand up and grab my oversized shirt and my black shorts. I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on. It reminds me of Jungkook when the bathroom door was slightly open. Would Jungkook have seen me? "Stop, you're thinking about him again" I fight with myself to not think about Jungkook, but I can't help it. I stand under the warm water that falls. The thought of Jungkook is not leaving my mind, I don't know how long it's going to take before I can't stop myself anymore. I want him, I want to feel him again, not only on my skin but also inside me. I want his hands on my waist again and to kiss him. I turn the shower off and dry myself. I walk to my room and turn my computer on. I start Netflix. While Netflix is starting up, I walk downstairs and grab a snack. I check all the doors and windows and then walk back upstairs. I turn my favorite show on and start eating and watching at the same time. 

The thought of Jungkook still hasn't left my mind and can't help it. I start searching on google. There are a lot of people named Jungkook, but they all have different last names. Maybe I can find him through Jimin. I type in the search bar Park Jimin. Nothing, it's like they are invisible. As if they've never been born. Jimin was the only one who told his last name. Did they lie about their names? Did I lose my virginity to someone who I don't even know the name of? Frustrated I close my computer and lay on my bed. But how would Jungkook know me? If Jungkook isn't his real name, then who did I sleep with? Ugh, it's so annoying that I can't find him on the internet. I already knew this would happen, everytime I'm talking to a guy they lie, doesn't matter about what, they just lie. I hate it, this is the first time I like a guy who was stuck in my head. I can't lie, I'm a little disappointed, I hoped he wasn't one of those guys who lies. 

First work day after summer vacation:  

Hyun Joo POV:

I slowly open my eyes, while the sun is shining on my face. I let out a low moan, feeling extremely tired. I look at my phone. Shit, it's already 8:30 am. I jump out of bed and grab my clothes. I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on. While the shower is warming up, which takes a long time, I sit on the toilet. By the time I flush the toilet the water from the shower is warm. Within 10 minutes I'm dressed and downstairs in the kitchen. My mom is already at work. I don't have a car yet and the tire of my bike is flat. I eat a sandwich and then brush my teeth. I grab my stuff and walk out the front door. I lock the door and check it one more time, just to be sure it's locked. I run to the bus stop, just in time to enter the bus. I take a seat and catch my breath. I arrive at 9.15 am. I'm 45 minutes late. I hurry to the elevator and wait stressfully till I arrive on the 16th floor. It's the highest floor of the building. I knock on the door of the CEO's room. 'Come in.' A voice I've heard before. I open the door and walk inside, closing the door behind me. I turn around, just to see the guy who took my virginity, Jungkook. 

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