Chapter Seventeen

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They parked in front of the garage, and Billy was still mumbling. "Billy, you know you can tell me what's wrong with you." Billy only gave a grunt as a response. Y/N raised a brow at him but took they're coat off at the door. Billy however, went towards the couch and sat down and was still mumbling. He was muttering about his sister, Agnes. "Billy you're starting to scare me." Y/N said, looking at him uneasily. He then started giggling and said vulgar things. He stood up so fast and gave Y/N a creepy smile. "Billy! What the hell?" Y/N shouted, stepping back a bit. He grunted. "Bitch pig." He said. He then went towards your room upstairs. "Billy? Billy!" He didn't answer he just slammed the door. Y/N looked at the ground with a baffled look.

The phone next to them then rang and they picked it up. "Hello?" They said. "I know what you did Billy!" Billy yelled. "Billy, stop! What are you doing?" They asked, freaked out. "What your mother and I must know is!" He shouted. "No Billy!" "I know what you did Billy!" "Where's Agnes?"  "Billy! Stop it right now!" Y/N yelled. He all of a sudden went silent. He started giggling. "Pretty/handsome/other Y/N..." He then started to laugh. "I'm coming up there!" They hung up and ran upstairs. They knew he did it because of trauma but reliving the whole thing with him pulling Jess's hair just made them shiver. They opened the door. "Billy what the hell are you-...doing..." They're tone turned shaky as they looked to see Billy holding a knife with a serious look on his face, and the phone on the floor staring right back at them. They whimpered. "Billy? Where'd you get a knife from?" They're voice quivered. They then remembered the time where Billy tried to stab them and they put the knife on their nightstand. The only knife they forgot. "B-Billy listen to me o-okay? Let's put that down so you don't hurt an-anyone. Okay?" They stepped back a bit. But doing that just caused him to step forward. He then started to scream and charge towards Y/N. They screamed and ran down the stairs. Billy then pounced on them and tried to stab them, but Y/N held him back. He growled and screamed trying to stab them. He then punched Y/N in the nose causing it to break as they screamed again. They managed to kick him off of them, and quickly grabbed the phone and slammed the bathroom door to lock it behind them. He banged on the door yelling something incoherent. They breathed heavily and called the police. Fuller answered the phone. "911, what's your emergency?". "Lieutenant Fuller! Please! I need your help! Something's wrong with Billy! He won't calm down!" They we're starting to cry. "Y/N?! What happened?" Lieutenant Fuller asked. They then started to sob as they slid down the bathroom door to the floor. "He was doing so well. I don't know what made him snap again, please just come over here, please!" They begged. "We're on our way. Did he give you any injuries?" He asked. "A broken nose and that's it." They whimpered. "Alright, just stay on the phone with me until I get there, is that him screaming?" He asked. Billy was still banging and screaming on the door. They let out a sob. "Yes."

All of a sudden a huge bang slammed the door open. Billy let out a scream and charged towards Y/N. They screamed and tried to push him off. Luckily the police arrived soon enough and pried Billy of them. He started screaming and struggling against the police as they were trying to calm him down. They were about to tase him. "No! Stop! Don't hurt him!" Y/N yelled. They sobbed a bit. They had little cuts on they're face from Billy's knife. They stopped as Billy screamed some more and they dragged him outside the house. Lieutenant Fuller rushed to Y/N. "Hey, let's take you to the hospital to get that checked out, okay?" He said. "I don't know what made him snap, he was fine just a few minutes ago." They whimpered. "I know. We'll figure it out okay? Follow me." He rushed Y/N to the car and put them in the backseat as Nash was with him in the passenger seat. "Alright let's go." Fuller said, driving away. Y/N saw Billy in another police car as they sighed shakily.

Word Count: 771

Chapter Seventeen! Hope you like it!

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