Chapter Twenty-Three

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"W-well, I have been...having feelings for him lately." Y/N said. "Hon..I-I..don't know about this. Are you sure?" They're mom asked. "Is this about the whole incident I had?" They asked with a sigh. "Well..yes. I'm just worried about you, sweetie. What if he...hurts you again?" They're mother asked. " that what the nose bandage was from?" They're grandfather asked. "He did what?!" They're aunt said. "Listen! That wasn't his fault. He's nice I promise! I wouldn't have dated him if I knew he was a danger to everyone!" Y/N said. "He killed someone, Y/N! Not one, not two, but four people! Maybe even more! I'm just scared that he'll kill you too. I know he's mentally I'll but he might snap! Who knows? Maybe it won't be you're nose next time!" They're mom said. "Mom! He's getting better, he's at the asylum! Plus he'll have medication!" They said. "What if he hurts one of us when he visits us?! Maybe even hurt C/N! You can't be too sure about this, Y/N." They're dad said. "Dad, he's not some monster! Even if he hurt me, it wasn't his intent!" They said. "What if he's just being nice to get too close to murder you or even hurt you?! What if he is a monster, what if he's just pretending-" They're dad started. "Dad!! That is enough!!" They yelled.

His eyes widened at them and everyone else stared at Y/N as they looked back at them. They sighed and picked up the D/N, and cleared they're plate. "I think I gotta go home." Y/N said, and began to leave. "No, Y/N! Wait!" They're mom said, and walked towards them as they walked away. They stopped and looked back at her. "Why can't you trust me with this? Everytime I want to talk to you, it's always you talking about how Billy might be dangerous, how he might just hurt me again and it might be intended, you don't even give him a chance!" They said and put the D/N in the car. "Hon, can you blame us? We're just worried about you, and we just don't want you to-!" She started. "He's been in that attic for as long as he can remember and probably hasn't seen the light of day after that! Of course he would've gone insane! That isn't his fault, it's his damn mothers fault!" They said, with an angry look. They're mother gasped and they widened they're eyes. They never cursed at they're mother like that before. They looked down in guilt and frustration. "I...I gotta go." They said and got in the car. They started the car and started to drive off.

They couldn't help but sob in the car when they were driving. They felt like seeing Billy, after the whole thing and drove to the asylum in tears. They parked in front of the building and went inside. Billy's doctor looked concerned at they're teary eyes, but chose not to question it. She led him to Billy's room and opened the door for them. "Billy, Y/N is here to see you." She said and closed the door. Billy looked at them with a smile, but it quickly faded after seeing they're teared stained face. "H-hey Billy." They smiled weakly. Billy quickly got up and went to them slowly. "What's wrong?" He asked. "The um...the dinner didn't go well as I expected it fact it went horribly. They said..things about you that I just didn't want to listen to. It made me angry and I snapped at my mom. It just wasn't the best." They sniffed. Billy hugged them gently, and rocked them back and forth. They don't think they've experienced comfort from Billy before. They loved it. "Shhh...I don't like seeing cry. It makes me sad." Billy said, in a quiet tone. He started to kiss they're face and they softly chuckled. "I just wanted to stay here for a minute." They said and sniffed. Billy led them to his bed and softly held them. It was quiet but they made small talk towards Billy a little. Billy even tried to make them laugh a little. They smiled softly, enjoying his company. After a while, visiting hours were over and they went home with a small smile. But they knew that they're mom was going to call them the next day.

Word Count: 754

Chapter Twenty-Three! Hope ya like it!

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